The Talk..

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Third person pov 

  Wilbur,Techno and Phil all came into where tommy was sitting and sat down on the other sofa since tommy was in the one seater thingy "Tommy Wilbur and Techno told me you ran away from them and then told them to leave is that correct?" Phil said "Yeah it is so what?" tommy said "why would you say that tommy they are your brothers you been have for almost a year" (YES I KNOW THATS A HUGE TIME SKIP BUT GO WITH IT K) "i kn-" Tommy tried saying but got cut off by Phil "Yes you know but you still do it you are drifting away from us and shutting us out tom-" Phil got cut off "YOU WERE INGORING ME I WASNT SHUTTING YOU OFF YOU WERE SO WHAT IF I TOLD TECHNO AND WILBUR TO GO AWAY I WANTED TO HANG OUT WITH THE PEOPLE WHO ACTUALLY ACT LIKE MY FAMILY THE ONLY TIME YOU TALK TO ME IS WHEN YOU SAY HOW WAS SCHOOL AND THEN YOU DONT LISTEN WHEN I ANSWER IM SO DONE WITH THIS FAMILY WHY DID YOU ADOPT ME IF YOU WERE JUST GOING TO IGNORE ME HUH?" Tommy yelled "Tommy go to your room NOW i will not have you yelling at me in my own house" Phil said "Fine" Tommy said and ran up stairs when tommy got to his room he called deo "Deo i want to leave sooner than next month i want to leave now" Tommy said almost crying "Shhhh tommy tell me why" "i don't want to be here deo i don't want to be here can i go to your house?" Tommy whisper yelled "okay i will come and pick you up have your stuff packed up by then okay Toms?" deo said worried for his lover (ITS PLATONIC YOU WEIRDOS) "mhm" Tommy said "okay i will be there soon" Deo said "okay" Tommy said but he didn't know that someone was listening on the other side of the door and heard everything (tommy had deo on speaker btw) and it was the one and only Wilbur who came up to see if tommy was doing okay once he heard that deo would be coming to pick tommy up soon he went to go tell Phil and Techno when he got down stairs he saw Techno reading a book and Phil making dinner in the kitchen (Techno was in the dining room) "DAD tommy planingonruningawaywithsomedudenamedeo" Wilbur said "what talk slower Wilbur" Phil said and techno agreed "Okay i went to go check to see if tommy was okay but when i go there he was on a call with so dude and he  is coming to  get tommy and take him away form this house and he is coming really soon like tonight and the reason is because tommy called him and begged him to take him earlier than they had plan to and he agreed" Wilbur said "WHAT" Phil and techno said together "we have to make sure that doesn't happen" Techno said both of the other people in the room agreed  "to make sure what doesn't happen" tommy asked "ohh what they don't let kids drive to school anymore" Techno said "mhm sure well anyways bye i will be in my room don't bother me and i wont be out for dinner im not hungry" Tommy said and went back up to his room with some snacks once tommy got to his room he put the snacks in his bag and opened the window and jumped out he saw deos car and got in the seat next to deo and hugged him "hi deo thank you for picking me up earlier than we planed" tommy said and kissed his cheek "no problem toms now go to sleep we picked a house very far away from here remember?" "yes i do and i will i also have snacks if we get hungry now lets go before they notice im gone"Tommy said already half asleep "okay toms" Deo said knowing he was falling asleep. 


have a good day/mid day/evening/late evening/ early evening/night/ midnight 

729 Word count 

you are beautiful  pretty cute and the list goes on and on 


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