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Quackity's pov

   We walked through the forest. Sap had recently recovered from thr impact and wasnt leaning against me anymore. Karl was leading us and I was 99.9% sure that he didnt know where we were going.
   We pause in the middle of nowhere trying to think of a way to go when I hear the faint sound of insect wings.
   "Guys, shh!" I say before listening for the sound and conforming that they are infact insect wings. Next thing I know Karl is tackled by a ginger haired person with black antenna and bee wings.
   "Who are you and what are you doing here?!" The bee hissed.
   "Woah hey, get off Karl and we'll tell you!" Sap said still somewhat stunned.
   "Why would I listen to you?" The bee spat before two more shapes appeared and tackled Sap and I.
   I studied the creatures before realizing that they were minks. I was about to kick the one pinning me down but I wasnt quick enough and the mink hit me. My vision faded to black as I heard Karl call my name.

Sapnap's pov

   I glance over at Quackity to see the mink lifting him up and giving him to a raven. I struggle under the other mink's grasp. I was then hit as well and my vision faded to black.

Karl's pov

I yelled Quackity's name and turn look where Sap was. I saw him get picked up by the second mink.
   "What did you do to them?!" I squeaked.
   "Calm down they're fine, and if you dont shut up and cooperate you'll be joining them." The bee said with the remaining mink nodding.
   I was hit and was about do black out but before I did I heard 'Mika, take him....'

Quackity's pov

I woke up and tried to get up only to find I was tied down. I looked over at Sap and Karl, they were also tied down. I was the only one awake. I tried to nudge Sapnap with my foot failing miserably. I decided to try to wriggle out of the things around my hands but stopped when I heard footsteps and bees' wings.
   "Cmon Ama! We cant trust them. You trust too easily, dont you remember what happened with the guards? Then Nat? Then Grand Mumza?" I recognized the voice of the bee.
   "Calm down my little witch, I doubt these three you speak of are here to harm us." I didnt recognize that voice but it must be that 'Ama' person.
   I stare confused towards the voices before the two enter the room. The bee had the same ginger hair while the other person was an arctic fox with short dirty blond hair, white eyes with what looked like swirls from a potion as pupils, and a leather satchel.
   "Greetings, My name is Journey, I assume you've met my child Winter, I apologize for how they acted in the beginning. They can get quite territorial." Journey chuckled and elbowed Winter.
   "Im Quackity, the one in the colorful hoodie is Karl, and the one with the white bandana is Sapnap. They're my Fiancés." I told the two and they both nodded.
   "Well I apologize for the rude first meeting, Quackity." Winter said moving to untie the three, "You guys are free to stay here, we'll get you guys a bed."
   "Thank you" I simply say and the two leave.

Hello! Thanks for reading this chapter and I apologize for the late update, I also said that this would be an introduction, well I sort of lied. I've decided to introduce the characters first then make the info so that chapter probably wont be out till I finish the other chapters. By the time I publish this chapter I'll probably be started on the next one. And as always if you've read this comment 'banana'

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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