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with a sigh of release oikawa left the party, feeling the dread that consumed him slowly fading the further he walked down that corridor and as the music faded down. but that was until oikawa bumped into her.

oikawa could barely hear her at first, consumed in his thoughts as he strolled along to the stairwell wondering what iwaizumi was doing. if he was just as angry and upset with the way things ended as oikawa was, or if he was too busy snogging his girlfriend to care. he didn't seem to have a problem doing so five minutes ago.

but then when he got halfway down the stairs he registered someone was calling after him. he turned confused who would be chasing him, only to see the pretty and petit black hair girl running after him with her hand out. oikawa froze as he saw her racing towards him, and almost felt like turning around and pretending he never saw her. but oikawa remembered none of this was actually her fault, and if the situation were different he would like her a lot more than he did right now.

"sorry, i was in my thoughts," oikawa apologised for not hearing and stopping sooner.

she stopped in front of him, the step above so she was now roughly the same height as him and nodded.

"don't worry, i wanted to talk before you left," she said a little out of breath.

oikawa raised an eyebrow confused as to why she would want to speak before he left. it wasn't as though they were friends, perhaps acquaintances but definitely not friends.

"okay, shoot," oikawa said getting straight to the point wanting to go home.

"are you in love with my boyfriend?" she asked him forwardly.

again he froze, she was so upfront and blunt about it he couldn't even process an answer quick enough to deny the accusation. was it that obvious? or was it just when they were arguing just then she noticed how visibly upset he was with iwaizumi's lack of communication the past three years.

sakura too didn't say anything as she waited for oikawa to respond, but instead it was just silence between them, and the faint music from the party just outside the stair well. oikawa let out another sigh as he sat down on the stair, putting his head in his hands looking at the grey painted wall in the dimly lit corridor in front of him.

sakura jumped down another step next to him, but not too close beside him, copying his actions and sitting beside him.

"i kind of always had a feeling, but seeing the two of you argue made it obvious," sakura spoke breaking the silence between them, as her voice gently echoed on the bare walls.

oikawa turned to look at her, noticing she too was staring at the wall in front just as he was, before he flicked he gaze back to infront slumping his shoulders.

"you think moving to a different country would change your feelings," oikawa said bluntly. "but nope, then when i came back and saw him i thought maybe this is my second chance to put things right and tell him, then he tells me he has a girlfriend,"

sakura only nodded understanding him.

"it's funny, i thought i could handle him being happy with someone else, but i can't. i'm too bitter. so it's better like this, that i leave now on bad terms and move on for good," oikawa said pushing back the tears he felt leaving his eyes.

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