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upon reflection iwaizumi realised this was probably the most insane thing he had ever done, as he was speeding down the motorway rushing to get to the airport to cut off oikawa. sakura beside him in the passenger seat googling the times of flights to see if they would make it in time or not. currently the gate had just opened, so iwaizumi now had just a little under half an hour to get there.

iwaizumi's mum had text him the information that oikawa's mum had sent her earlier with his flight details. flight SN127 to singapore at 17:57, he was then getting a change over from singapore, then to malta, then finally arriving at brazil.

but as time went on the hope soon began to fade when the traffic didn't seem to let up. causing a delay on the roads whilst iwaizumi was checking the time every ten seconds hoping time would stop for just one minute so he could make it. but his bad luck didn't seem to stop there with now only twenty minutes until the flight took off.

he could feel his anxiety raising when they pulled into the airport parking bays, seeing no spaces available in the nearest car park as he frantically tapped on the steering wheel. he was running out of time. until sakura pushed him out the car and told him she would go find parking and iwaizumi should make a run for it. which he did exactly that. ten minutes remained.

he ran towards the entrance looking at his watch realising how little time he had left, and stopped when he saw the amount of people in the airport. of course it was busier than normal, it was the day after new years. people would be leaving after christmas or returning home. it couldn't get any worse than this now. iwaizumi ran his hand through his hair hastily as worried thoughts now filled his head. he wasn't going to make it.

he grabbed his phone from his pocket and scrolled to his contacts, trying to ring oikawa yet again. no answer, straight to voicemail.

of course his phoned was switched off.

iwaizumi groaned loudly and looked back to the time, seven and a half minutes until the gate closed. he was running out of time.

he ran to the board with the announced flights, his eyes skimming quickly to find his flight number, but his hands began to start getting sweaty as he rubbed them on his jumper in panic when he couldn't see it straight away. and then he spotted it. of course the gate was the furthest away from where he was.

he took a deep breath and began to run, cutting the queues and excusing himself as he sprinted past everyone. he ran until he saw the gate number on the sign, with an arrow telling him the direction. he looked down to his watch three minutes. he could make it in three minutes.

he kept up his pace and he could see the gate, and a young girl at the stand letting what he was guessing was the last guest to the plane and he ran even faster to catch up. he couldn't even stop his legs if he wanted as they moved subconsciously.

"hold the gate!" he shouted, stopping in front of the girl with his breath heavy.

"ticket?" she asked him.

iwaizumi looked at her as he tried to regain himself and catch his breath back.

"i- erm," he said trying to breath slowly. "i'm not a passenger, my friend is on that flight and i need to stop him," he told the girl.

"i'm sorry sir, there's nothing i can do without a ticket," she explained.

iwaizumi looked to her with desperation as he glanced outside to see the plane by the window.

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