Chapter 11: The Departure

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Three weeks later we walked past a tall pile of stones marking the side of our path. Ludwig told me that we were only hours away at most from the meeting spot.

I couldn't stop running ahead to do flyaways on the lower branches peeking out above the trail. The months spent in a cell and on the Northern trail had left my body severely neglected when it came to exercise. After weeks of aching muscles and barely being able to catch my breath, it felt pretty great to swing around this easily.

All the training mixed with the fact that I hadn't had a pastry in nearly half a year had an astounding effect on my physique. I was still twiggish, but I wasn't so soft anymore.

"Stop that, we're almost at the meeting spot," Ludwig said gruffly. Usually when he saw me showing off he was quick to join in and put my moves to shame, so he must have been serious if he was asking me to stop.

"Right, sorry," I let go of the branch I'd been holding and joined him back on the path. "So this guy we're meeting, is he in charge of who goes into exile?"

Ludwig seemed to chew on his answer before he replied. "No, it's more like he gives permission than actual relocation. I shouldn't have any problems setting up on my own, I just need to make sure I'm not interfering with the local, er, underbelly."

"Would they have an issue with a newcomer?"

"Of course. Territory is just a bigger home for these people. Think of what I'm doing as being polite."

"Polite? Hm, maybe you should have been teaching me table manners," I said with a smirk.

Ludwig smirked right back. "Yes, you could have known which fork to use as you eat all your meals at the Palemere."

"But then who would be there to snare rabbits when you get a cold?"

Ludwig turns away, abashed. "It was only two days."

"Halt." It was a third voice. For months I'd only heard Ludwig's voice. I was so startled I almost tripped. Ludwig and I both turned toward where the voice had come from.

Up in one of the taller trees, a figure stepped out into view. He was a young man with a lean build and golden hair. He wore a brown leather jacket that looked sturdy enough to act as padding. A long red argyle scarf was wrapped around his neck and covered his mouth. It draped neatly over a quiver on his back. In his right hand he held a crossbow.

The man jumped down and approached Ludwig and I. Ludwig deliberately stepped between us, a gesture that made me feel worried more than anything.

He stopped and casually rested the crossbow on his shoulder. "You Ludwig?" he asked.

"Yes, you with...?"

"That's right. He's just a bit further down the road." The stranger scratched at the back of his head. The movement should have been casual, but there was so much tension in his limbs. As though at any moment he'd have to fight for his life.

"Well, best not to keep him waiting then." Ludwig said. The stranger motioned for us to start down the road, and followed a few steps behind. My nerves were not soothed by the sound of him tapping his thumb on the wooden stock of his crossbow.

Things grew silent between the three of us, to the point that my stomach twisted. "You got a name?" I finally blurted out.

The stranger glanced at me for the first time since we met. "Marn," was all he said.

"I'm Avery," I replied, trying to be polite.

"You been with Ludwig this whole time?"

"Since Northern Wrencort, just about," I replied. It felt like forever since I'd last conversed with someone who wasn't Ludwig about anything but crime. Marn seemed grumpy, but I chalked that up to his job.

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