Chapter 12: Washed Up

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Night fell and we set up camp near the bank of a river. I never learned Milnir's geography, and I don't feel like asking anyone the name, so I decided to call the river Avery's Dilemma. I lay down on my side, facing toward Avery's Dilemma while Millie sat on a tree stump and watched me. I tried to focus on sleep or self loathing, but Millie had the same habit as her brother. The sound of fingers rapping against the hilt of her saber kept me too on edge to think or sleep.

I'd heard all the names of Vlad's followers at least once, though I cannot remember all of them. Marn and Millie did turn out to be siblings. Slick and Sash I'd already met, and it turned out they probably weren't acting when they threatened me back in Halldon. I was happy that they moved to a space near the edge of camp to be alone together.

Unable to fall asleep, I quickly became aware of every slight discomfort on the patch of ground I was lying on. My irons rattled as I adjusted my position to relieve my cramped muscles. I felt something jab into my ribs as I rolled over.

A slight turn of my head showed Millie polishing her spiked helmet with her shirt. I carefully moved my hand into my cloak. Just by my chest I felt a small metal object wrapped in paper.

I slowly slid the paper free, wincing at the slight hiss it produced. Millie said nothing as I slowly unwrapped the paper. A narrow beam of moonlight revealed that the paper had a note scribbled on it.

Teaching you wasn't part of the deal. Adeline River is your best bet. Don't mess this up. If I ever see you again, tell me how their faces looked. -L

My teeth ground together tight enough to make my jaw hurt. It wasn't enough that he screwed me over, he had to screw over everyone else too. Sure enough as I slid my hand into my cloak pocket I felt the familiar shape of a lockpick.

I felt my heart race as the full weight of my chance dawned on me. I would get one opportunity. If I blew it there wouldn't be a second lockpick.

Though the thought of taking Ludwig's advice made me nauseous, I couldn't help but see the benefit of using a river. I'd be out of sight and moving too fast into the wilderness for them to follow. There were only a few problems: I'd need to find a town once I was free, and I didn't know where the Adeline was. Also the possibility of freezing to death was a real possibility.

I debated asking Millie, but I decided against raising any suspicion. If these people knew anything about Ludwig then they would already be suspicious of me for spending so much time with him.

As I set my mind on tomorrow's plan I felt resolve welling up in my chest. I would go into that river. Not for anyone but myself. In this land of my mother I would learn to stand on my own two feet, no matter what.

"There's a tick on your back," Millie piped up from behind me.

I scrambled to brush it off its trail toward my legs. My skin crawled as I remembered a night from a few weeks ago. Going to relieve myself and finding a fleshy bud embedded in my leg. When I asked Ludwig what to do he merely reached over and plucked it out with a sickening squelch before throwing it into our campfire.

I swore to myself I would never leave the next city I found. It was a lofty goal considering how little I had. The thing I wanted most was a bath. I wanted to wash off the last few months as soon as possible.

I pulled my cloak tight around my shoulders. The lockpick pressed tightly against my chest. No point running now, nowhere to go. No, as much as I hate what Ludwig had done I couldn't help but agree with his advice. Though I would rather eat ticks than tell him so if we ever saw each other again.

As Millie swapped her place with a dark haired fellow I found a strange calm overcoming me. No matter what happened tomorrow my time as a prisoner would come to an end. The thought was enough to slow my heart, and soon I was fast asleep.

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