December 4th

316 12 1

Bucky woke up, laying on the couch whilst cuddling a pillow. He rubbed his eyes. "Goodmorning sleepy head." Steve sat down on the other end of the couch as Bucky groaned. "Someone's happy," Steve chuckled. Bucky just sat up, rubbing his eyes once again. "Seemed like you had a nice time last night?" Steve gave a sly smirk. "What?" Bucky questioned "You and Sam had a lovely cuddle on the couch." Steve smiled, sipping his hot chocolate. Bucky sat there, turning red in embarrassment "Where is everyone anyways?" Bucky asked, looking around "Tony and pepper took Morgan and Peter to the park, Thor , Bruce and Nat have gone for a walk , Sam  wanted to test out his wings as he added a few adjustments so went for a fly. Clint is upstairs practicing his archery skills again. I think that's it? They should be back soon though." Steve took another sip of his hot chocolate as Bucky just nodded his head. " I'm going to go get dressed, anything planned for today?" Bucky asked , Steve shook his head "don't think so, we might have a movie night tonight? I'm not sure." Bucky just nodded, making his way upstairs to his room, finding his usual casual outfit he got dressed. As Bucky walked downstairs he noticed Morgan , pepper , Tony and Peter had come back. He laughed as Morgan dragged Peter to her room to play, it was hilarious how Peter and Morgan had such a sibling dynamic and how Tony and Peter had a son-father relationship. Bucky smiled to himself as he walked into the kitchen, picking up a ruby red apple and eating it. "Hey," Bucky heard Steve say as he looked round to see Sam had returned, still with his wings on and goggles. "Hey Steve," Sam smiled then looked at Bucky "Hey Bucky," he smiled a bit more now "Tony, pepper." Sam waved at them a bit. Bucky found these actions so sweet and cute, so he just smiled. About a minute later, Bucky noticed Sam walk over to him. "You have any nightmares last night?" Sam asked. Bucky shook his head.

He did, just didn't want to admit it as he couldn't deal with him worrying. "I've got an appointment with my therapist later though, to discuss them and my past. Every time I see her we have to go over the rules." Bucky rolled his eyes, Sam chuckled "what rules?"  "Glad you asked," Bucky said sarcastically "Rule number one, can't do anything illegal. Rule number two, nobody gets hurt, it's a big one. She always says rule number two is important so I ask why it isn't rule number one. Anyways, rule number 3. Introduce myself as James Bucky Barnes , formerly the winter soldier." He stated. Sam smiled "that seems like a lot of rules, also I agree with the whole thing. Surely rule number two is more important than rule number one, so why isn't it rule number one?" Sam said this for bucky's satisfaction "I know right! It's the most stupid thing ever." Bucky rolled his eyes. Bucky checked the time , realising it was time to leave. "I've gotta get going now Sam, it was nice speaking I guess." He gave a slight smile as he ran off out the door to go for his therapy sessions.


Sam went and sat next to Steve "buck is seeming to trust you a bit more now, huh?" Steve smiled. Sam nodded "so what did you actually speak about?" Steve questioned "oh, just his therapy sessions stuff like that, also about his rules and his number two should be number one." Sam chuckled "of course he told you that" Steve smiled warmly, giving Sam a pat on the back "I'm glad he has another friend, other than me. For a while I thought he was gonna be a loner." Sam began to laugh at Steve's comment. "What you laughing at Wilson?" Tony looked over , Sam just shook his head. "'Me and pepper are going to go upstairs, if you need one of us . Knock the door." Tony said, standing up with pepper and heading upstairs. Steve gave sam a look which made him snicker.


It had been about two hours since Bucky left, during this time Bruce, Thor and Nat had come home and sat down. Bucky walked in "hey buck, how was it?" Sam asked "It was fine, we just spoke about nightmares and she asked if I had any friends, she said I was a loner. Stuff like that." Bucky walked over and sat on the couch "what for dinner?" He asked. Thor looked up "Tony said he'd order us take away. I am unsure what we're getting though." Bucky just nodded. Tony had eventually came downstairs, he was in a more comfy set of clothing and sat on the couch "right, Pepper, Pete and Morgan have gone to sleep. Wanna watch a move guys?" Tony suggested. He got a reply of lots of yes'. "I'm getting McDonald's for dinner, What you all want?" He asked. All of them told him what they wanted from McDonald's as he ordered it "okay, it'll be here soon. What should we watch?" Tony looked around for suggestions. " Highschool musical?" Nat suggested. Tony rolled his eyes "any other suggestions?" "How about It?" Bruce suggested. "Sure, we'll go with that." Tony began searching for the film 'It' when he found it he put it on. The order of how they were sat went Steve, Bucky, Sam , Tony, Bruce , Thor and then Nat. They began watching the film, within the first few minutes, Sam screamed at the sight of The boy getting dragged into the drain. Bucky chuckled as Sam covered his eyes. Nat just laughed at this , as everyone else did. A little while later, their food arrived so Tony paused it. Steve went and collected their food. Handing it out to everyone, everyone at whilst watching the movie. Towards the end a slight snore could be heard from a Bruce, who was leant on Thor's shoulder. "I think we  should all head to bed now, it's getting late." Tony looked at Bruce who was fast asleep and Nat who was slightly closing her eyes. Everyone agreed. Bucky got up and began walking up the stairs. Sam followed "goodnight Buck!" Sam shouted. "Don't call me that, but goodnight. Sam." Bucky shouted back, shutting his door as he took it his t-shirt and jeans along with his shoes and socks then hopped into bed. Soon falling asleep.

(1087 words)
Finished at: 4:26 am
A/N: you guys I woke up at 3 am 😭 due to having a nightmare and couldn't get back to sleep so I wrote this 👍 sorry if it's a bit messed up with grammar or spelling, I'm very tired lol. But hope you enjoyed it, and have a good day/night :)

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