5. Great timing

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It was September 26th and it was also my training day.

"Hey Ella" I said while walking with her out to training.

"Nice to see you Jordyn" She said smiling.

"Yeah same"

"I've seen that you've been playing FIFA with more footballers" She said obviously trying to get more intel.

"Yeah and it seems like you've seen my story" 

"So Jude Bellingham, what's he like" She questioned me.

"He's nice but is also a bloody cheater. He went to tell the whole of his followers that he beat me. He did but not fair and square. This means I have to be more careful whenever I'm taking a break" I started spitting out.

"Wow it seems like he's quite the character" She said laughing." No wonder you're rambling"

"Well no shit I lost" I said.

"Martin! Toone! Hurry it up now" Katie shouted from the pitch.

I now noticed that we were the only ones left behind.

"Yeah okay!" I shouted back.

We started jogging to where the team was.

"Seems like Jadon Sancho has some competition" She said while leaning into my ear. I could tell she was really trying to make me hear her.

I shoved her face away and she laughed.

"No nonsense woman it's time for training" 

"Yeah, yeah" She said giggling.


What a training session. I had Ella drive me home because that's the least she could do after annoying me.

After a good shower and a massage gun session I was back to my beloved anime.

I was watching Demon Slayer when I heard the doorbell ring. It's 3:00p.m who could this be.

I didn't mistakenly order Chinese did I.

I carefully walked over to my door.

I opened it and it was Jadon. Surprisingly.

"Oh hi" I said.

Wow this was rather unexpected.

"Sorry I need a place to stay for an hour. Can I?" He said asking to come in.

"Sure" I moved out of the way.

He removed his Jordans and sat on the couch.

I closed the door and followed him to the couch.

I sat down directly beside him because I don't know maybe because he sounded kind of desperate.

"What happened?" I asked.

"There are just some people in front of my house. So I came here to wait" He said.

Oh that makes sense he did say this house was near mine. Wait

"Do you have a solution to it" I asked.

"Yeah I have some officers handling it but I'll go back in an hour" He responded.

Oh shit. We don't have anything to do.

"It must be hard but you make sure to stay safe" I said to him.

I looked at what he is wearing. Short sleeve, tattoos, earring, hair -then it clicked.

He saw me looking at his arm.

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