Chapter 3

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The next morning you woke up to the sunlight hitting your eyes. Normally you'd be angry with the sun waking you up, but today you were happy. You were gonna meet Tom later and couldn't feel irritated or angry at all even when you saw Amanda passed out on the couch. Well guess she had fun. You made yourself some breakfast and decided to shower before meeting him since he'd be there at noon and it was only 8:30. You showered, watched your favorite show, got dressed and started on your make up which was a simple smoky eye look. By then it was 11:30 so you did a few chores to pass the time. Around noon you heard a knock at the door, Amanda was still passed out, you opener the door and saw Tom in his casual outfit of baggy jeans, a t shirt, and a leather jacket. "Hey Love, you ready to go?" Tom had an arm behind his back and he was trying his best to hide whatever it was behind him as he asked you. "Yeah I'm ready. So uh what's behind your back?" You asked out of curiosity and excitement. He didn't say anything but revealed a bouquet of roses. "Aww Tom thank you!" He gave them to you with a blush on both of your faces. "I thought you'd like them I wanted to do something nice for you." You went back inside and put them in a vase and set it on the counter and left with Tom in his Mercedes. He took you to a simple sit down restaurant and were quickly sat down and looked over the menu. "I wasn't sure what you liked so I chose this place I like it but I hope you do too." Tom said kind of embarrassed he didn't ask what kind of food you liked. "It's ok thankfully I love this place I come here all the time." Tom let out a sigh of relief he made a good decision. A waitress came up not long after you two sat down to take your drink orders. " Hey I'm Claire, I'll be taking your orders today. Especially yours handsome." Claire tried flirting with Tom but he seemed uncomfortable and tried to just look at the menu to see what he wanted. "I'll just have a Coke please." Tom said without looking up at her. "Ok Sweetie, and for you?" Claire looked at you and asked without any care like you were a burden to her. "I'll have a lemonade please." Claire wrote down your orders and left. "Sorry about her I want my focus on you not her." Tom said embarrassed about what Claire said. "It's fine you looked uncomfortable and slightly annoyed do you know her?" You asked thinking maybe she was an ex girlfriend or something. "I don't think so she doesn't look familiar she really bothers me though this is gonna be a pain, but at least I get to be here with you to distract me." Tom said with a wink. You blushed and looked back down at your menu to figure out what you wanted to eat. You decided on a steak, fries, and some steamed vegetables (this is what I normally get but y'all can change your order including your drink if your vegetarian or just don't like it). Claire came back to take your orders and she took your order first since Tom was still looking and when you finished she looked at Tom and he ordered a steak as well with fries and a loaded baked potato (cause why not?). She left again and you two talked about everything and anything to get to know one another and turns out you have more in common than you think. You two laughed and joked around doing your best to have a good time. Claire came back with your drinks she gave Tom his coke and instead of giving you your lemonade (or other drink) she spilled it all over you making it seem like it was an accident even though it clearly wasn't. Tom was furious and shoved her out of the way and grabbed some napkins to help clean you off. "Are you ok? I'm sorry this happened." Tom said with worry that you were hurt. "I'm fine just drenched in my drink." After you were somewhat cleaned off Tom looked at Claire to tell her off and she ran off crying. You two finished your meals and he took you home to change. "I'm sorry- wait I just realized this whole time I didn't know your name. God I feel stupid." Once again feeling embarrassed he rubbed the back of his neck. "I guess I just never realized it I'm y/n." "That's a really pretty name it suits you." It was your turn to blush again you always thought your name was ordinary but you guess not to a famous guitarist. You two left again to spend the rest of the day together you two went to an amusement park to go on some rides and play some rigged games and later just relaxed by the beach watching the sunset. "Today was really fun. The best date I've ever had." Tom said feeling warm inside and looking at the beautiful colors of the setting sky. "It was I'm glad I got to spend it with you, Tom." You both looked into each others eyes and leaned in until your lips met again for a sweet, tender kiss. This time it seemed to last forever and was more heated than last nights kiss. Tom swiped his tongue over your bottom lip asking for entrance. You let him in and let your tongues play around loving the feeling of one another. You two started touching each other feeling needy for the other wanting more. Something in you made you stop though. You pulled away realizing you were on top of him and his hand were up the back of your shirt both of you were breathing heavy from the intense make out session. "Are you ok? Did I go too far?" Tom asked worrying he messed up. "No it's ok I loved it I just think maybe we should take things slower. It is our first date after all." Tom understood and helped fix your clothes. He took you home and kissed you goodnight and for the first time said I love you. It shocked you but you felt the love already even though you've only spent 1 whole day together. "I love you too Tom." You both smiled and kissed once more before you went inside and Amanda started asking questions about where you were and why you were with Tom Kaulitz. You were too tired and a bit excited still to answer her annoying questions and said you'd tell her everything tomorrow. You fell asleep feeling a bit excited still after the make out session you and Tom had and couldn't stop thinking about him. You started pleasuring yourself to the thought of him and his hot kiss imagining what would've happened if you didn't stop the session at the beach. You finished, cleaned yourself up, got back to bed and dreamt of your sexy date and savior from the night before.

Sorry for the not posting for like a year or so. I kind of forgot about this story for a while but I got back into writing it! Please don't be mad and hope you enjoyed this.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 13, 2021 ⏰

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