Chapter 1

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You were doing your hair and makeup ready to go out to a party that night that you really didn't wanna go to, but your "good friend" Amanda (sorry if this is your name y'all are welcome to change the name as we continue) wanted you to socialize for once in your pathetic life and have some fun and hopefully meet someone new. Uggg why do I have to go? Doesn't she have other friends that actually like going out? As you thought this the sound of the door opening and your friends high pitched voice rang throughout the house. "OOOHHHH (Y/N)!!!!!! YOU BETTER NOT BE HIDING AND YOU BETTER BE READY!!!!!" Amanda screamed at the top of her lungs. I just wish she'd stop screaming and would lose her voice. "YEAH I'M READY JUST GIVE ME A MINUTE!!!" You screamed back having her and the entire neighborhood hear your conversation. You do a final check hoping you at least looked decent with a shin length black dress and black shoes (or heels if you prefer) looking pleased with yourself knowing you weren't showing too much skin you met your crazy friend downstairs since she had not hesitated on letting herself into your house. "Well how do I look?" You ask hoping she'd just say you looked fine and would go to the lame party already, but your friend had other ideas. "No way are you wearing that!!! Come on girl show some skin!!!!" Amanda screamed in annoyance that you hadn't worn what she had which was a bright pink dress that just went past her thighs and the same color heels. "Let me go look for something for you to wear." She went up to your room, again uninvited, and started looking through your closet of mainly black clothes and band merch which was also mainly black and the few colored shirts you had to wear for work. "Man, while are all your clothes black???? You don't even have another dress!!!!" Amanda screamed in shock that your closet wasn't like hers. You wondered why she was your friend in the first place considering that you two were complete opposites. "Well I'm not like you in style and I never go out so this is what I got so we either go now or you go by yourself." You said annoyed that she was criticizing your style and personality and comparing it to hers. "Fine but I'm choosing the music in the car." You were fine with that. 15 minutes of whatever she chose was better than standing there for a few hours of her complaining about your fashion choices. Once in the car she had put in a CD that you'd never heard of before but liked the music surprisingly. "What is this?" You asked very curiously because they didn't sound too bad. "It's this German pop rock band called Tokio Hotel and the song is called Automatic. Do you like them?" She asked hoping you'd say yes. "Surprisingly I do. They sound amazing." You said sounding very impressed with her music choice this time instead the last time where she ended up playing some Katy Perry songs (I have nothing against her I'm just not a big fan of her music anymore). You and Amanda got to the party after listening to basically the whole album she put into the CD player in her car. The music was loud and definitely not your type of music. You both went inside and after Amanda told you to actually have fun and not just stand in the corner she went away to look for a drink and a person to dance with. This is gonna be a very boring night You thought as you went to the backyard hoping to get away from everyone, but to your dismay someone at the party had laid their eyes on you and they didn't seem friendly.

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