A better award

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Ryder and pups were still in hospital, watching after race ceremony on TV as they watched Marshall being hyper happy on podium with Nico and Tom as well. Still, they were worried about Everests' and her childs' condition as her check up was lasting for 2 and a half ours. As drivers on podium started spraying champagne on each other, the door of Everests' room opened and doctor came out. Ryder and pups quickly got up from their seats and went to ask him.

Doctor: Oh, I thougt you left.

Ryder: We were watching the race.

Doctor: Alright, so... I need to explain why we didn't tell anything to you for so long time.

Chase: Go on.

Doctor: Well... your friend was terribly hurt. Some injuries were critical to her child and as you arrived, she was about to born it.

Zuma: Oh man.

Rocky: I'm afraid of next words.

Doctor: It took 1 hour for us to make a check up and heal her wounds, and half an hour to born her child artificially. 

Skye: I hope she's OK. And a child as well.

She started whimpering, so Chase pulled her closer to himself to calm down. Doctor kept talking.

Doctor: And, what can I say after that? Your friend won the race, right?

Rubble: Yes, he did!

Doctor (smiles): This pup... is she his girlfriend?

Skye: Yup.

Doctor (smiles): Todays' a trully lucky day for him. Her child was borned safely and healthy. Everest is now safe and resting as well.

These news made pups jump on doctor and lick his face all over, making Ryder and himself giggle from that. It lasted for 10 seconds, then pups hugged and high-pawed each other.

Ryder: Thanks! We don't know how we can pay for your work.

Doctor: Ohhh, it's nothing. Many people in this vet are volunteers, so we're good. I gotta go, have a good day.

Pups: You too!

Doctor went away as Ryder and pups did a group hug, but doctor suddenly came back.

Doctor: Forgot to say it! Don't visit her today. Needs to rest.

Ryder: Yeah, we understand.

Then doctor walked away again as they sat on their seats once again.

Chase: I think it'd be great, if we'll go to Marshall and tell these good news!

Skye: I agree.

Rubble: Same here!

Ryder: Then let's go.

Meanwhile Audi team was still cheering for achieving their long-awaited title. "We are the champions" song was heard through whole paddock and teams' garage as well. Some people from crew were drinking champagne, engineers were congratulating their drivers, in sum, everyone were happy. But Marshall wasn't: even if he fulfilled his and Toms' dream to become champions again, he was worried about Everest and child. Tom noticed that and decided to light him up with real good news.

Tom: You alright there?

Marshall: Yeah, just... I'm very worried.

Tom: Everest and your baby, right?

Marshall: I reminded about them after I said my message!


Marshall (crying): Thanks guys! This one is for mine future child!! We should never give up!

flashback end

Marshall: I just hope Ryder and pups saved her already!

Tom: Well, I'm 100% sure with that.

Marshall: Really?

Tom: Because she's already in hospital. Ryder and pups stayed there to wait for some news about her.

Marshall: Oh, great!

Then they heard steps and Ryder with pups came in. Immideately pups pounced Marshall into group hug, congratulating him with win, making Tom and Ryder laugh and hug each other for same reason. Then pups let go from Marshall as Chase stood in front of his best friend.

Chase: Well done buddy! I knew you'd make it.

Marshall: Yeah, thanks. But what are these bandages on your body?

Chase: Just a little accident with Toyota CEO, nothing else. So, what I want to say, it's about Everest.

Marshall: Everest? Tell me, don't hold up! Please!!

Chase (takes a deep breath): She's finally safe. Your child is safe and healthy as well. 

Marshall couldn't hold tears as he heard that, then he looked at rest of pups and Ryder.

Marshall: Is it true? Everest's alive with my child?

Skye: Yes she is Marshall.

Then Marshall hugged Chase tightly and cried on his shoulder as german shepherd patted him for comfort.

Marshall (crying): Thanks brother! I owe you one!

Chase: Hehe, no problem, brother. I'd do anything to make you happy.

Skye (curious): Same thing with me, right?

Chase (rolls his eyes): Baaabe.

Skye: Oops, sorry Chasey.

2 minutes later Chase and Marshall stopped hugging each other.

Marshall: Can we visit her? 

Chase: No! She needs to rest and get her strength back. Only tomorrow.

Marshall: Alright then! Well, let's continue our celebration!!

Everyone cheered and went back to little party.

CHAPTER IS DONE!! AND BOOK IS ALMOST OVER!! Hope you will like it! See you soon and stay safe ))))

Loss for life of beloved | Marshall X EverestWhere stories live. Discover now