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I was enjoying my sleep until I heard someone shouting that woke me up.

"Hyung Hyung Wake Up Your Gonna be late for your first day" said Taehyung.

"What?" I said after woking up.

"It's your first day at Kim Enterprise don't you remember?" He said.

"Oh shoot I forgot thanks taehyung" I said.

Readying myself then drinking orange juice Yoongi bought yesterday.

I looked at the clock and it was almost time for work.

I ran as fast I could to the office building.

Before rushing up the stairs almost missing a step but thank fully didn't.

I am finally on the top floor and Infront of my boss office.

I quietly knock it and the door opened revealed the handsome man.

"Your 5 Mins Late" he said.

I stood there quiet.

"I thought I told you to be more early but I will let this slide since it your first day" he said.

"Yes Sir, Am sorry sir" I managed to let out.

"C'mon we have work to do not stand there and do anything let me show you to your desk." He said and I followed him.

Infront of both us was a small office desk with computers and files.

"You be working here next to my desk over there alright?" He said.

"So I want you to organize the files and remind me of every meeting I have today got it?" He said.

I nodded.

"if you need me I be at my desk now " he said leaving.

It was a scary moment for me.

I sat at my desk and began looking at the files then organizing them.

Before checking all the meetings schedule.

CEO Schedule.

10:30am Market Department Meeting

Evening meeting with CEO Jung Enterprise.

I read it before just realizing that he's has a meeting with hope?

"Why does that name sound familiar" I said to myself.

But I didn't care much so I just organized and prepare all the files.

"Here's I need you to write a email to this person ok?" He said.

I sign then typing the email before sending it to the person whose name was Jimin.

It took 3 hours just to write the email because it was too long.

I looked at my watch and saw that it was 10:30am.

Which mean My Boss has a meeting with the marketing department.

I saw him walking to the door before I called his name which got his attention.

"What is it?" He said.

"Sir, You got a meeting at 10:30 with the market department." He said.

"Right then follow me and get all the files on my desk" he said.

I did just that and followed him to the meeting room.

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