Chapter 23

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 A few days later, I'm hanging out with Missy at her favorite coffee shop The Bean Machine, going over plans to infiltrate the Killer's hideout and destroy all of the deadly drugs. The place has a warm ambiance with a crackling fire, Taylor Swift records playing, and a black cat sleeping on the wood windowsill. Sipping my chai, I gaze over a floorplan of the warehouse that one of Braden's spies must have recorded.

"So, where do we even begin? Is infiltrating the best idea?"

I ask. Missy pushes her black frames up her nose and uncaps a pen, preparing it for use.

"I really don't know how else we would have the chance to destroy the product. Trying to get rid of it right before they distribute it would be very risky. Some of it still could get onto the streets."

Nodding, I bite my lip trying to think of another idea.

"What if we set up a fake buyer? They want to see and purchase all the coke at a different location than the warehouse. Then, while they transfer it, we could destroy the truck or shipping container."

Missy thinks about my idea for a minute and takes a sip of her coffee. A few seconds pass and she makes a frustrated sound.

"No, that will never work. Even if we convince a buyer that they have worked with

before to help us, Snake wouldn't go for it. Not with how valuable this cocaine is."


I say, racking my empty brain for any ideas. Scanning the floorplan of the warehouse, I

try to imagine where they would be keeping the drugs. Questioning, I ask,

"Are you sure it's all in here? What about the other address?"

Missy shakes her head.

"Yes, Braden said everything is at this address. The Killers also meet at the other one but it's mostly for hangouts and meetings. No shit goes down over there apparently."

Just as the bell on the front door of the coffee shop rings, I get an idea.

"What if we were invited in? Then they would be unsuspecting that we would cause trouble. Less security and easy access."

Missy's eyebrows shoot up in surprise.

"Lucy, that's a great idea! What did you have in mind?"

"What's a great idea?"

Braden says while walking over to our secluded table and taking a seat next to me. My brother is following along behind him, a pensive look on his face. I give Braden a brief but genuine hug, loving the soft flannel he is wearing today. Braden and I had a talk yesterday about me continuing to help with this gang issue. Surprisingly, it was a very open talk where both of us listened and understood one another. He shared his worries about me being involved and I told him that we were a package deal. If he has to be in this mess, so do I. We came to an agreement that I can help with any planning or communications, and the actual gang will deal with the conflict.

"What if we tricked them into thinking we wanted to collaborate with them? Get them to invite us into their warehouse for a conversation, and then blow the storage up. With only a few people in the meeting, we would know what we are walking into."

Dave sighs heavily, absentmindedly leaning back in his chair and wrapping his arm around Missy. She gives him the side-eye but chooses to ignore it.

"I hate the idea of even pretending to work with The Killers, but yes. I think it would work. Snake would hate to admit it, but he has always been jealous of my gang. Offering him an opportunity to be in charge of both is something he would have to explore."

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