Chapter 5

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Andy pov

As I came back, he stood there with flaming red eyes, fangs like knives and ripped clothes.

"Run.", he growled.


"Run before I hurt you.", I did what he said and ran to the living room.


"On my way! To the laboratory, now!"

"DAD?!", yelled Lola.

"Told you!", shouted Johnny, they followed me in the laboratory, a few seconds later Mika crashed through the door.


"What's wrong with him?"

"That's the question."

He didn't hesitate to attack me pressing me on the ground, holding my arms with one pair of his arms and my head with another one.

"You said you won't hurt me! Never!", I winced in pain, his strength was scary, all the time he's just careful with it, he could squeeze me like a small berry with one hand if he wanted to, even if he is normal.

"Stop it!", nothing.

I felt how I ran out of air, killed by my own husband.

"I said stop IT!", and a loud bang was heard, he screamed in pain and let me go, falling on his side.

"Did you just shoot him?! Is he dead?"

"No just paralyzed, I just got you back why would I shoot my dad now?"

"What now?"

"Put him in there, it's bullet proof he can't get out."

"Okay. I'll do another body scan."

"He's waking up again.", I said scared of what was in front of me, he slammed his fists against the glass.

"It seems like his head got injured, it must've been a mix of the explosion and the radiation, and as you landed on Mars he must've got hit again. Every time he remembers something some area in his brain gets activated, this also activates his killing mode."

"And what are we going to do?"

"I can change the program to healing but it will take a few minutes."

"Do what you have to do, as long as you bring him back."

He began with his work, while I stared at Mika.

"I still can't believe you told the truth."

"You should listen more often to your older brother."

"Shut up."

"Love you too."

"He's calming down..."

"Okay good."

"He seems weaker."

"Okay, watch him, I'm finished I a few minutes."

"He fainted!"

"That's not good, I'll hurry."

I looked at him lying on the ground, locked in, he opened his eyes a bit, placing his hand on the glass, I did the same mouthing

'I love you', he smiled.

"Okay got it, let's go."


"We have to wait now."

He changed a few times, to all his forms and back, not putting his hand away.

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