5- Second Day Of Torture

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Once again the bus pulls up in front of the school, letting the 20 students who actually use it out. I jump off and want to sprint to my locker, but my jeans restrict movement. Today I'm wearing black shirt with the words 'Bonjour Paris' written on it, a pair of dark blue jeans and a pair of grey converse sneakers. My blonde hair is in a messy ponytail to keep it out of my face.

Eventually I stop in front of my locker. I open it and grab out the required books for the first few periods. For some reason my friends aren't waiting like normal. Since Annika lives a few houses down from Dylan they car-pull and get here 10 minutes before I do, meeting me at my locker. It's strange for them to not be waiting.

I decide to check Annika's locker first since it's just around the corner. Nothing. I decide they could be running late and sit on a bench, grabbing out one of my books. I'm currently reading Shatter Me again. A book about a girl with a lethal touch. It is an awesome book.

Just as I'm getting into it the bell rings. I think back to my timetable. Do I have a free period or not? I honestly can't remember so I grab out my phone, bringing up a picture of it. Yup, first period I've got nothing on. But do I really need to go to home room? Nah, it's only one day, I'm sure the teacher won't mind.

I'm about to stick my head in my book again when I see Dylan round the corner with Annika latched onto his arm, laughing. I watch as they laugh and joke. Annika grabs her books then brings her face close to his. He leans in the rest of the way, letting their lips touch. I didn't know my best friends were in a relationship! How long have they been dating? What if it's been years and I didn't know!

I start to freak out. I try clearing my head. Maybe home room is a good idea... I dart off towards the room I'm meant to be in just as the bell rings again.


It was on my mind the entire time and I think people are starting to notice how strange I'm acting. It's lunch now, but in class I sat at the back and didn't say a word to anyone. That's not usually me. And to think I was so happy when I woke up, knowing my identity hasn't been revealed yet.

I sit but I don't talk. I don't start a conversation and I don't answer any questions directed at me. Everyone notices. I pick at my cookie, sip my juice and ignore the world.

I know this isn't supposed to affect me like it has but come on! I just saw both my best friends kissing in the hallway. We always tell each other secrets, we literally know everything about each other. But I didn't know about this. I never noticed the looks, the hand holding, the amount of times they asked to speak to each other alone. But now that I think about it, I notice. My memory only goes back so far but from what I can tell this has been going on since sophomore year. Wow, I was oblivious for almost 3 years! How stupid am I exactly? Very stupid.

And it just happens that at that very moment the two lovebirds show up. I notice how Dylan's right hand is under the table as well as Annika's left. Not suspicious at all. I pick at my food a bit more.

"Isn't that right Claire. Claire? Claire!" Annika starts shouting. I shake my head.

"Yeah, sure. Definitely," I answer, snapping out of my daze long enough to answer then retreating back into my head. My thoughts are not pretty right now.

"Your not even listening. I was saying-" I tune out at that. I don't want to know the details of whatever it is they're arguing about. Someone sits next to me. I don't pay attention to who it is or the silence that's overcome the table. I'm in my own world, trying to think of anything.

Why did I make the bet? It can't have just been because of what I told Annika, there must be something more. But what? Am I really that sick to want to make him squirm? Or do I have a subconscious reason for it? Am I blocking that reason out? That's what happens in movies isn't it? The person blocks out a bad memory then acts on it subconsciously. But movies lie, a lot.

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