Elilogue- The Email

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I've tried explaining the situation many times but no one seems to understand. Not even me. I thought I knew what I was doing but I didn't. I thought I could change you. I promised myself that once this was all over I'd move on with my life. Looks like that's not gonna happen though.
During this whole thing I started to love your laugh, your smile, your words. I began to ignore my peers, trying to find a way for you to notice me more then the others. I was a stupid child.

When I made the bet I don't know what I was thinking. Now, however, I do. I wanted to be that girl, the one that stops the player. I knew since I'm not that shy I couldn't do it the cliche way and pretend to dislike you. I knew you'd ignore me for most of it. But I had this image in my mind.
The image was you. Looking at me. You'd given up your player ways after I made the bet, you'd changed for me. I know it sounds impossible but at the time I seriously think I had too much punch, and that lead to the absurd thought I had. I thought you'd stop looking at other girls but it only made you look harder.

I think back to that night a lot. I think about what would have happened if I hadn't said anything. If I hadn't gone at all. And I know I did the right thing, even if it's not working out now. I admit I- like every other girl at school- had a crush on you. And I'd jumped at the chance to get to know the mysterious player who ruled the school. I learned more about you then I would have ever dreamed of.
Please know I cherished every moment we spent together, even if my voice wasn't right or I had changed my eye colour, please know I rekindled my crush.

If only I had bothered to tell you, to let that voice slip or 'forget' my contacts one day, then things would have been different. You probably know this already, but I haven't had any of my firsts yet. But somewhere deep in my core I know I want you to be all my firsts, even if I'm not yours. Ah, your probably not gonna bother reading this anyway so why am I bothering?

I'm bothering because.... I have no other way to tell you how I feel, how I felt during the last month. I wish you knew how guilty I feel.

I talked to my Aunty- Madame- and she was actually the one who came up with the idea. She'd be a great mother. Never mind about that though. Back to the point of this god-awful email.

I just want you to know that I'm sorry, for playing you, for lying to you, for causing you so much pain and grief. I honest to god wish I could go back in time and change it all, go back and stop myself from stepping foot into that gym. I hope one day you can forgive me and we can be friends again.

Claire xo

I sigh as I read over my email again. Great. I really need to brush up on my English.

But either way I send it with a wince on my face. Let's just pray to all things holy that he gets it and my actions don't backfire... Again.

Last chapter guys. I didn't know how to end it and I know it's short and doesn't give much away but there's a sequel coming soon, I'm just working out the details for it. THANK YOU ALL FOR READING AND I HOPE YOU ENJOYED! Please comment if you did. And I need covers, names and maybe plot ideas from you guys. I'd love to have your feedback as well!

For covers remember my email is wattyatethemouse@outlook.co.nz
Just tell me you sent it in because I don't check it much 😋

-Carmouse 🎉📧 📚📝 🙋

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