Enimies and Lovers

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Daniels POV

I walked through the cafeteria doors, right away I started looking for Jennifer. I don't know if I really have a crush on her or not, but she's different then everyone else. "Jennifer! Where are you?!" I yell in search for her.

"I'm right here! Damn chill your tits" she said laughing

"Oh wow. I didn't realize I had tits.." I replied "but okay."

"Yeah can't you tell?" She replied grabbing my so called "man boobs" and and squeezed them joke like. "Haha see!"

"Oh yeah I see now! Thanks for that" I answer trying not to start laughing.

"So where are we sitting?" She asked me

"I usually sit down here at the last table" I replied and pointed to my table.

We both walked down to my table and sat down. I packed my lunch but she bought lunch, today on the menu was cheese sticks. "Looks Good!" I tell her

"As good as school lunch can be" she giggled.

"Well I've never had school lunch so I wouldn't know.." I answer

"WHAT YOUR KIDING RIGHT?!?" She yells at me

"Nope. Not once" I say

"Oh my gosh! Here have one" she said throwing a cheese stick at me.

I barley caught it! I tried a small bight of it. It wasn't as bad as people say it is, I mean I kind of liked it..

*RING* the school bell rang. I guess that's over.

**Jennifer's POV**

I walked out the cafeteria, and went outside. I decided to spend my break outside I always loved it there. "HEY EMO BITCH!!" Someone yelled at me

I decided to ignore it because I didn't feel like dealing with that bullshit. "EXCUSE ME IM FUCKING TALKING TO YOU, YOU LITTLE EMO FUCK!" That time I said something.


"YOU LOOK PRETTY EMO TO ME" the person replied. I finally realized who it was. Brittany Tyson, the most bitchest girl in school.

"EXCUSE ME BITCH? YOUR FUCKI WITH THE WRONG GIRL!" One more word I will fucking slap that bitch.

"WHAT THE FUCK YOU GONNA DO?!" Brittany yells. Oh that's fucking it! I walked up to her and kneed her in the stomach then punched her in the face. She looked at me with a bloody noise and I just raised my eye brow. I said "Fuck Off Brittany" and walked away.


I could hear them whispering about me "I know right she fucking punched me!" Brittany said. "What a bitch!" Jessica replied. "Don't worry about her brit! I'm pretty sure she's sleeping with Daniel anyway!" Another one said. "Haha your right! What a whore!" Brittany replied. I just glared at them, then I got up to throw my lunch away. "Hehe watch this!" I heard Brittany say. What? Wait what is she going to do? And before I knew it I was on the floor with left over lasagna on my face. I stood up and said "YOU BITCH!!" "Awh somebody trip?" She said all sassy. "No someone's fat fugly leg was in my way" I replied with a smirk. "FAT UH!" She sounded hurt to hear me say that. "Yeah. Fat." I said walking away whipping off lasagne from my face.

Right when I though everything was good, the Assistant Principal came out. "Ms. Gonzales. Principals office now!" She told me "What about queen bitch?!?" I ask. She glared at me so I started walking to the office. "I have no choice but to call your father!" The Principal said. I looked down trying not to cry. "Y- you can't c-call my da-dad.." I stuttered. "And why is that?!" She asked confused. "He uh he w-went back t-to the a-a-army" I answered. I ran out of the room and into the bathroom. I was crying about that time. "Awh what's the matter? Principal got your tongue?" Brittany laughed. "YOU GOD DAMN FUCKING BITCH!! I FUCKING HATE YOU YOU FUCKING ASSHOLE!" I yell breaking down. I walk out of the bathroom crying, then I start to run. Then before I know it I. On the floor again, this time Daniel is on top of me. "Oh, hey" I sniffle

"What's wrong Jen?" He askes as he gets up

"My d-dad.. Went back to the military and the principal and Brittany and everything!!" I cry.

He helps me up.

"I'm sorry.. It will be okay." He says as he whips the tears of my face.

Our eyes lock together, we just stare at each other thinking, wondering, being happy. Then He Kissed Me.

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