Chapter 9: Princess found

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It had been so long since he had seen his beautiful princess that seeing her as a young woman took his breath away. Her beauty had increased from the time he had seen her last. He looked upon the maiden once more, it was a pity she had never grown out her wings. He clicked his tongue, snapping the reins, indicating to his horse that it was time to move. He was off to see Duke Charles Hornsbee, he would help him obtain his prize once again or die. The duke was nothing but a pawn to him, like most others, though he outranked him in his position in the court of the kingdom.

"The duke will see you now, sir," a servant said, guiding Victor to a foyer. Victor followed silently, his mind still on his princess. "How can I help the leader of the Brotherhood of Fire today," Duke Hornsbee asked jovially, his gut shaking with laughter. 


Charles Hornsbee waited trying not to show his nerves. It was not every day that Lord Victor Adams paid a visit to this part of the kingdom.  He was known for his ferocious tact in many of the meetings between nobility, though he was lower nobility. Now that he was in this part of the kingdom, Hornsbee knew that no good would come of this. He already had found out that a couple had adopted a young fairyling. Not illegal but frowned upon. It had happened several years ago, the fact that she merely looked like a young goddess was probably why her notoriety was growing. The farmer's family stayed to themselves but still when young men had started looking for the girl, Hornsbee had to keep his eye on the situation so this fairy didn't start a different war than what was already going on thanks to Victor Adams. 


Duke Charles Hornsbee was a happy fool. Victor Adams cursed in his thoughts knowing that this was a situation that needed tact. "I hear that you've been having some trouble with a fairy girl," Victor said trying to sound casual. "Yes, well it has come to my attention that there is a girl of rare beauty, but the reports have not confirmed whether she is human or not dear fellow," Charles said a little less jovially, having come to realize what Lord Adams was after. "I am here to offer you a way to get rid of the problem," Victor said trying to bargain. Charles laughed, "Problem? She's just a girl, not a problem." "I see, you'd have her to yourself if you could. Let me know if you need help upon procuring this girl," Victor replied before taking his leave of the duke's presence. 

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