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Emilia's POV

Faces. I love faces. They are plenty everywhere but only like the seashells we care in a lousy beach. I don't think we all have what we want but we don't hesitate to beautify it. Everyone has a life path woven by their own choices but it's the face that reflects their wise. The eyes' contrast, ears' size, jawline's shape, cheeks' freckles, nose's sharpness, hair's thickness, and all... I believe, is what defines a face. I have this weird habit of following my juniors whose faces I feel unique and got a couple of detentions because..., of course, you don't want a stranger girl sniper eyeing you till you reach your home. I even peeked in a dressing room following a weird chinned kid! (I was grounded for a month for that, not a wonderful experience to share)

Emilia was standing at the gate of her college as she was queering about this Edwin.

Is he a failed scientist? Or is it just me who thinks it that way? Welp, now I am remembering following an old lady as 4-year-old thinking she is an alien from a magical world where plants walk and brew spells! Maybe I should keep my expectations low since this world, ugh... Is the same like it was when I was a kid. Materialistically minded money-driven insolent people are whom who could inhabit to survive here.

She thought all this as she reached the bus stop, where a weird hoodie-wearing guy covering his face, as if he is a most wanted criminal, accompanied her withstand.

"Emilia...", Said he.

He!? Again!? How could he even come up to me even though he hides his face saying he's afraid of the sun like a kid!

I remember the very day when Edward began to hide his face, at the supermarket.

Her ambiance degraded into her imagination as she thought of this incident.

When I bent to pick my favorite Cheetos from the bottom rack, the worker straight above me fixing the lights dropped his screwdriver. With the driving momentum it was about to hit my head and BAM!... he saved me from the fall of the great screwdriver as if he knows about its very next move.

Then, he was at my birthday party, with a gift of the worst wrapping possible for which my friends still crack jokes, but... How does he know about my birthday at first and all? Maybe I am that famous?

That's a bit narcissistic. But still, I never met a man with no face. Maybe he has looks that could kill? Or a weird grumpy face of Baby Yoda's forefathers?

 Maybe he has looks that could kill? Or a weird grumpy face of Baby Yoda's forefathers?

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(Baby Yoda feels personally attacked)

Or Shawn Mendes who couldn't survive a shark attack? Who knows. For now, my queer is all about this man, Edwin, since he values 25% of my grades.

She left the place unhindered without talking to Edward as her thoughts were converged on how she's gonna manage the task given on Sunday.


The dusk soon curtained the world from the light. Emilia opens her eyes on the brink of her sanity to look at the time, being 12 midnight. What made her woke is a rather amusing message, from Edward. "You got a minute?"

"I've got a whole night to spare, if I am supposed to be living till tomorrow's third period, which is a seminar I should be taking."

"You sound to be infected with hellish aftershock of being ruined before good night sleep."

"Psycho... Sleep already. To think I ain't be at the theatre this Saturday rather soothes me with each second passing."

"Why, Got any plans for weekend?"

"Just a visit to a nearby town."

"Mind if I join ya?"

"You are no more than a streetlight dressed in all black. Differentiating your presence and absence is a subtle blockage of light."

A pause.

"I'll come anyway."

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