Tram Bus

27 3 7

Edward's POV

It was a bright violet garden of the flowers which blooms from the very life essence of the people who live in the present.
The buds of the flowers carried the youth spirit of the people. Amongst the dancing bearers of petals was a huge tree which stood piercing the very orange sky. In the midst of all was a person with his bare chest lying on the ground in the laps of the river bank. He is not a different person from the rest you know. Hasn't he known the mystical slice of life either. The man arrived has lost only one thing in his life. And that is his left arm..


*A sudden shudder of bedsheets and pillows*

"Another weird dream again?"

He got up from his platform bed and reached for a cup of water in his kitchen.

"Eh?", he looked at his watch tied to his left hand as he poured water into the cup. A sudden recurring thought made it unquestionable for him. He refreshed and got himself dressed in a way so that no skin of his body is visible.

A Sunday so soothing, as he stepped outside of his apartment with a mask outside. Yeah, It's pandemic! And he gets a chance to hide his skin entirely with it as an excuse. He walked with small steps towards the bus stop nearby. Finds out his tram is leaving out already!

He finally made it into the tram bus with a heap of breath. He raised his head over his shoulders to look into every person inside. Out of the partially filled bus, he found her.

Emilia was doing the action of suffocating someone while seated. No wonder it was Edward since he disturbed her Thursday slumber. Her hands made a cup and she was shaking it back and forth. It drew an awkward attention of her from the passengers which she never noticed around as she was busy killing in her imagination.

"Murderous intent", Edward thought,"Guess it must be me", he seated himself near her only for her to froze what she was doing.

"That guy must be lucky!" Edward said laughing.

Emilia was confused by his words. She never thought of curtaining her clumsiness."What?", was her confused response. "It's you I am killing here!"

"I am pretty sure no person in this world has a neck that can be this size of your cup", he chuckled and said, "What body part are you holding anyway?", He burst into laughter this time.

Emilia gave him a confused look. Her brain took too much time to process this question and when she understood, she immediately blushed. She couldn't hide them in the palm of her hands.

"How many people in this bus saw me!?", She whispered as she peeked between her finger scissors. "Every one of them", said Edward, still smiling.

"You haven't changed a bit since I met you for the first time, at your theatre", a new light of conversation sparked in the lamps of the tram.

"Don't make me remember that!", with a lot of hectic battles to not remember that, she somehow imagines it. "Aw! A boy friend with an allergy to Sun! that's the least favourable disorder any woman would want in a man befriended. I wish you haven't hid this from me"


It was a Saturday evening. Cool and lime, the tickets were selling like hot cocoa for the movie of the midnight 'Romeo'. Emilia was at the ticket counter, selling the tickets. How suiting it is for a woman who loves faces. It isn't her job. She works in place of her cousin who would enjoy her weekends with her fiancee.

"How tiring!", She feels everytime the tickets are sold to the fullest. "But it's worth, given that I earn some money". She never thought of having a boyfriend because her life seems full without one. "Career, Marriage, Kids, How tiring! To even think of!", She was in a race of emotions as she sold the tickets to a couple. Tickets were selling like cupcakes, hot and sweet until there is no more.

"Time to leave for a sweet slumber". That's how her sundays went. Sleeping peacefully with no one around to disturb her. As she was placing the 'house-full' board at the transaction-hole, a hand rocketed in. She looked up to see a young man, a face she would never forget, EVER.

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⏰ Last updated: Jun 11 ⏰

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