Roleplay Like Never Before - Chapter One

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Disclaimer: As much as it pains us to say this, we most definitely do not own the show Naruto Shippuden.

Banana: NO! But... I need it! :'(

Sammay: *Dies*

Chapter One

With a long creak, the front door slowly opened like it did on the same time every single weekday. A girl the age of sixteen stepped inside her house, letting out an exasperated sigh. Why did everything have to be so boring? She did the same things every day, she ate the same food everyday, and she talked to the same people everyday. Her freshman and sophomore years were bearable, but she envisioned that finally being a true upperclassman would be a completely different experience. It wasn't much better, though. As soon as her junior year started, she was bombarded with stacks of work for the AP classes she was taking. She wasn't having trouble with the work, but it just took up so much time. Sighing again, she tiredly took out her binder and her laptop from her backpack and carried them upstairs to her room, where she could study in piece.

Nearly five hours later, the girl wrote the last sentence to the final problem of her AP Bio homework. A smile forming on her lips, she threw the pieces of paper across the room and collapsed on her bed with her laptop, immediately typing Naruto Shippuden into the search browser. Ahhhhhhh... The only time she could relax was when she watched Naruto Shippuden. The world of shinobi never ceased to interest her. If she could, she would have totally immersed herself into that world- and stayed there.

As the girl clicked on an episode link and waited for it to load, her green eyes wandered over to a poster of Deidara on her wall. Like always, she admired his features. She wasn't exactly sure of the reason, but she had taken a gradual liking to Deidara until he was her favorite character by a long shot. At that point, she could have sworn that she was in love with him. She actually probably was. Oh, but she liked other Naruto characters as well. As the girl regarded the Deidara poster, she noted how much better anime guys were than real guys.

Real guys suck, she blatantly thought.

In the middle of the Naruto episode, her iPhone's screen lit up as the two-toned Kik notification rang through the air. Pausing the video, she typed in her passcode (IloveDeidara123). Her small smile only grew when she read the message.

Sammay: Hey, Savanna! How's it going? :D

It was from her cousin in Utah, Sammay. Well, her real name wasn't really Sammay... It was Sammy. Sammay kind of became a nickname for her just because it was a fun thing to say. And sure, Utah was only a state away from California, but to the girl, it felt like she was light-years apart from her cousin. Quickly, she typed in a response.

Banana: Hey, Sammay! I missed you! It's... Well... It's really boring over here, but I have a fantastic idea. :3

The girl sat in her last period of the day, nearly shaking with anxiety. She switched positions, taking her right leg and bringing it up to her chest. That day had been an extremely long and boring one, and she had never wanted anything more than to be able to go home. Time ticked on and on in her head and the clock on the wall mocked her. One more minute. Possibly the longest minute of her entire life. Eventually the bell rang through her ears and she flung herself up from the seat, scooped up her binder and practically flew out of the room, along with a few other eager students. After she reached her locker and spun the combination, she grabbed her backpack, stuffed all of her belongings inside and slammed the door with a loud bang. Her legs brought her out of the school building and into the warm, dry air of Utah. After she ran down a whole street, she slowed down and walked calmly the rest of the way home, enjoying the nice weather.

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