Roleplay Like Never Before - Chapter Two

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Disclaimer: No, we don't own the show Naruto Shippuden.

Banana: Is it possible for me to steal it? :)

Sammay: ...Why am I a human?

Banana: I don't know, but you should totally be a ninja.

Chapter 2

"Waah!" Sammy exclaimed once Banana pulled her from her haven. She wasn't expecting to be revealed like that in away (and especially not so suddenly), surprised from the sudden movement. Once she had calmed herself down a bit, she actually payed attention to her surroundings.

Savanna. Lee. Kiba. Naruto. Shino. Hinata. Tenten. All staring at her. She couldn't stand it, she couldn't talk. So she smiled and waved with her free hand.

"YOU'RE the GHOST?! YOU'RE Savanna's COUSIN?!" Naruto wailed, standing up. Kiba looked at her, smirking. Stupid Naruto. Kiba knew she couldn't be a ghost.

"Yeah," she replied with a laugh. If she wanted to, she could run around the whole world eight times, since the amount of happiness she had gave her enough energy. It was so hard to contain herself.

Sasuke strolled into the foyer, looking extremely unimpressed by everything. The look got even more unimpressed once he saw all of the commotion. What's going on now?he thought, scanning the scene.

Shikamaru raised his head from the table with a raised eyebrow. There seemed to be even more going on in the other room. How troublesome, he thought, and rested his head once more. Choji continued chomping, not even paying attention to anything but his precious snacks.

Sai politely chuckled as he peered out of the kitchen. "Hmm... So it looks like Savanna brought her cousin to the Leaf Village."

Yeah, right, thought Savanna. I didn't bring her here. Some unknown force brought both of us here, but I am SO glad it did!

When Neji heard Savanna make her declaration, he turned his head to see who her cousin was, curiosity showing in his clear eyes. He quickly noticed that Naruto was no longer curled up on the ground. Finally, he thought. It's about time he stopped being so humiliating.

Naruto gasped. "But you don't look like a ghost! You look like... a real person!"

Kiba snapped and stomped over to Naruto. "Jeez, Naruto! Can't you see that she's kidding? She's not really a ghost... She's Savanna's cousin!" Savanna confirmed his statement by nodding.

Naruto's eyes widened a little. "Ooohh... That's cool. What was your name again? Oh, yeah... It was Sammay or something. Nice to meet ya, Sammay! I'm Naruto Uzumaki!"

Savanna fought the urge to laugh when she heard Naruto say 'Sammay' instead of 'Sammy'. "Her real name is Sammy," she pointed out. "But feel free to call her Sammay."

Kiba got a hold of his temper again and stepped back from Naruto. "Naruto can be such an idiot sometimes, so just ignore him. I'm Kiba Inuzuka, by the way."

I already know all of your names, Sammy thought, smiling at everyone. This is so fun... "Hi, Naruto. Hi, Kiba." she greeted, excitement dancing in her eyes.

Lee fled from his game, noting that he would start a new one after he introduced himself. "Hello, Sammy!" he smiled, resting his hands on his hips. "My name is Rock Lee, and it is a pleasure to meet you!"

Sammy smiled back. "Hello, Lee," she said back to him. "It's a pleasure to meet you, too."

Shikamaru raised his head again. "Sai. What's going on in there?" he questioned, and it clearly showed that he didn't hear Sai's earlier statement.

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