Chapter 1

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NOTE: Winner of Hermione's Haven's 2022 awards, best family story. Thanks for voting!!!

Thank you! DDD

Hermione was early, very early. She was pacing in the atrium of the International Portkey Terminal, glancing at her watch. It was better than waiting at her desk down in the Ministry, in the damp and dark, too agitated to work. At least there was sunlight in the terminal, lots of high, white late autumn light as she waited for -- for her husband.

Hang it, Arthur.

Yes, it had started with Arthur Weasley. He and Molly kept trying to parent her even after Ron ran off to France with Gabrielle, the quarter-Veela all-grown-up little sister of Fleur Delacour. All the times Hermione saved Ronald's life paled to one time Ron had play-acted at saving little Gabrielle in the school's lake.

Hermione was over it -- mostly. But Arthur and Molly were not, and she hadn't been surprised when they came clamouring through her Floo with a gift for her, something secondhand, of course, but not in the usual way.

"We've finally sorted through everything confiscated from Death Eater houses during the pre-war raids," Arthur had explained, laying what looked like a very small, very fancy napkin ring on the kitchen table in Hermione's London flat. "And since no one has claimed this, I made an application to have it lent out to you for research purposes."

Hermione had nudged the thick ring with one finger. "Me? It's for Magical Creature management then?"

"Oh no," Arthur had said, beaming for some reason. "I don't mean for your professional research, This is for personal research."

"You see, dear," Molly had said, taking it over. "This is a De-bliviator. You know. It reverses memory spells, any and all of them, and with just a little wand work as long as it's in the hands of the person who cast the spell in the first place. It's what finally fixed up Gilderoy Lockhart, once they managed to explain to him how it worked."

Hermione's pulse had quickened with the queasy hope she knew well by then, the hope that had only ever led to disappointment. "De-bliviator? I've looked everywhere for one with no luck at all. And now -- my parents -- oh! Arthur, thank you!"

"Yes well, wait now, wait now," he had said, as Hermione hugged him. "It's not as simple as all that."

She'd slumped into a chair. "Of course it's not. It never is."

Molly had sat beside her, patting her hand. "We'll get it sorted, dear. Now listen."

Arthur had leaned over the table. "Like I said, this De-bliviator was taken from a Death Eater's attic. So naturally, it was damaged. You could even say adulterated, perverted -- made to only respond to members of certain old wizarding families."

"Purebloods," Hermione had said.

Arthur had scoffed, taking the De-bliviator in his hand, showing Hermione how it glowed with a steady blue light against his skin. "We all know there's no such thing. Blood is blood no matter what evil, lying snobs have said about it. No, the De-bliviator doesn't respond to biology, but to history, genealogy. It responds only to people with certain family connections."

He'd dropped the gadget into Hermione's palm and its blue light instantly faded away.

"Well, then connect me," she'd said, taking Molly by the wrist, watching, hoping for the ring to light up again. "Adopt me once and for all, and make me formally family."

"We've looked into it, dear," Molly had said, caressing Hermione's face with her free hand. "After coming of age, formal adoption isn't permitted. But there may be another way..."

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