Chapter 4

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With Madam Gabrielle Delacour Weasley sleeping in Ron's room at the Burrow for the holidays, Hermione could not possibly accept Arthur and Molly's polite invitation for Christmas. Last year, her first Christmas alone in her flat, she had resolved to ignore the holiday completely, no tree, no music, no special meal. But it had been bleak - pathetic and teary. This year, she was determined to keep herself too occupied with celebrating on her own to be sad.

As a plan, it hadn't been half bad before the risk of spending the day pining for dear, doting Charlie became a distinct possibility. But no, she was an independent person in control of her emotions and her time, and she would force herself out of possible-love with Charlie, at least for one more day. She had everything she needed: strong will, a lovely Christmas tree, and a rock solid itinerary.

"You see, there's no need to fuss about it. I've made a schedule," she said, letting Charlie pull the parchment across the breakfast table to inspect the holiday plans she'd be keeping while he was at home with the family.

He hummed, a sound she'd come to recognize during their months together as a sound of disapproval. "It's no good. At least come to the Burrow for dinner on Christmas Day," he said. "The house will be so crowded my Veela sister-in-law won't even notice we're there. In fact, no one needs to know you're there but me. We can cast a Disillusionment spell over you, if you like."

"Or just stash me in the attic with the house ghoul." Hermione huffed. She took the parchment back, rolling it up and tucking it away. "No, absolutely not. I'm staying here. It's the height of cozy season, remember? I've gone to all the trouble to get this flat is festively decorated, and one night of us not sleeping under the same roof won't set the De-bliviator back too far."

"You don't know that," Charlie argued. "Don't risk it, my dear. And anyway, not everything that goes on between us is always about the De-bliviator."

She blinked hard. Wasn't it?

"Just come with me," he finished. "The dragon detecting dusting powder is ready for a test anyway. That's the reason we can give anyone crass enough to ask what you're doing there with me."

"Which would be everyone but Harry."

"Well, maybe. Yes. But still, we could run the test and - "

She interrupted with a mighty sigh. She certainly didn't want them to part for Christmas. But if they were going to be together, it would have to happen by Charlie offering to stay. And – well, doting as he was when he was inside the flat, he clearly didn't care for her enough to stay there with her on Christmas.

"I'm not going, Charlie," she said, her tone low and serious. "Even if I wasn't protecting what's left of my pride from Gabrielle, the rest of your family is already suspicious of where exactly in London you're staying and why you won't let anyone visit. If I appear as your guest all of a sudden, someone is bound to figure it out, even with an excuse about dragon dusting powder. And where would I sleep there, anyway? Back to Ginny's room, only with Harry and the baby crammed in there with us? Or would you take full responsibility and give me your bed?"

Charlie scoffed a laugh. "Maybe that's just what the De-bliviator has been waiting for all this time, you and me sharing a bed."

"Brilliant," she said, crossing her arms over her middle, answering his sarcasm with her own. "And weren't you just telling me Ginny was teasing you about having a secret mistress in town?"

He threw up his hands. "That's just Ginny taking the mick as usual. She wasn't serious."

"No, but she could get serious," Hermione said, tossing her head. "And we agreed no one but your parents needs to know about our arrangement. They'll get carried away."

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