Chapter 5

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In the instants after the magical operation of a Floo, there are flashes of light and lingering smoke that can cloud the traveler's view of the place where they have arrived. This is especially beneficial for people who have forgotten to lock their Floos, like Hermione Granger did the Christmas Eve she came home hopelessly distracted by being secretly in love with Charlie Weasley.

The Floo smoke gave Charlie not quite enough time to separate himself fully from kissing her on her sofa in front of the hearth as his sister and her family arrived on Christmas morning.

"Happy Christmas, Auntie Hermione." Ginny was crowing, waving baby James's hand as if it was a greeting from the beautiful little beast himself. She stopped waving when the smoke cleared enough for her to see that her older brother Charlie, of all people, was already in the room. He was sitting too close to Hermione on the sofa, his hand smoothing the whiskers around his mouth.

Harry was tugging at Ginny's sleeve, miming for her to just stay cool even as she began to fire very un-cool questions at them. "Charlie? What on earth are you doing here today, at this hour?"

Hermione hopped to standing. Charlie did not.

"Same as you're doing," Hermione rushed to explain. "Just keeping a pathetic old family friend company on Christmas morning."

Ginny looked the pair of them over from head to foot. "In his pyjamas? With his shirt on inside out?"

"Oh, you know Charlie. He hates to be too dressed up," Hermione said.

She was glaring at Harry over Ginny's shoulder, their scowls speaking volumes to each other.

Can you please get her out of here?

Can you please lock your Floo?

Ginny was wading in deeper, gasping and piling the baby into Uncle Charlie's arms as he finally rose to stand. She sprung forward and lifted the amber pendant from Hermione's chest. "By the stars, Harry. Do you see this?"

He flashed an apologetic grin at Charlie as he answered. "Yeah?"

Ginny's voice was still rising, bawling at Hermione now. "Do you know what this is?"

"Ginny, enough," Charlie said smoothing the baby's pouf of silky black hair that no one could resist touching, even under intense questioning. "James doesn't like your tone and Harry looks like he's got a gift for Hermione himself. Don't keep her from it any longer."

"Right," Harry said, rushing forward with a picnic basket festooned with Christmas ribbons and greenery. "It's food, mostly. We whipped up some of Molly's recipes, and wound up with tonnes extra. There's all your old Christmas favourites. Mind you don't accidentally eat any holly berries. Decorative purposes only."

Hermione was only too happy to gush her thanks and have a reason to escape to the kitchen where she began unloading the picnic basket.

But Ginny wouldn't be outrun. She followed at Hermione's heels, no longer questioning, but informing. "Hermione, listen to me," she said, her voice low to keep the boys from hearing. "It is none of my business why Charlie left home to sleep here last night. You're both adults and all that. But while I have no idea about your relationship with him, I can tell you that this chunk of amber - Charlie has been carrying it around for ages. Back when I was a little girl he showed it to me and told me he meant to save it and make it into a necklace for his true love."

Ginny dived like a professional chaser on maternity leave to catch the loaf of gumdrop cake Hermione had dropped right before it hit the floor. She stood up to find Hermione pale and stammering.

"No, it's not that, Ginny," she said.

"Not what? Not true love?"

Hermione shushed her rather fiercely.

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