Marble Floors And Bloodstains

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« Make it crystal clear
so that no one gets hurt. »

"Valentino am I not overdressed?" I called out to him from the bedroom as I stared at myself in the full length mirror.

"Not even, you look stunning." he said as he emerged from the bathroom, comb in hand.

"Where are we even going?" I asked as I fixed my lipstick again. My once long dreadlocks were cut short and my head felt lighter.

"It's the memorial for my great grandparents on the Versace side of the family name." he said taking my hand and spinning me around. His hand rested on the open back of my dress.

Image of the dress. Note: This is not Kyna

Grandma Belle offered to stay at home and watch the kids. Easter would be a month from now. Antonio and Katlego would also be in attendance of the memorial and they saw it best to leave their kids with Belle too.

Valentino's suit. Note: this is not Valentino.

"Okay, let's go." he says as he hands me my purse.

"Wait I want to take pictures of us." I say as I walk over to the nightstand and disconnect my phone from the charger.

"Baby there's a professional photographer at the hall."

"Okay, so?" I say crossing my arms. He gulps a little and takes out his own phone. He makes a call and two minutes later and the military veteran that walks into the room gives me a sense of familiarity. The man standing tall and proud takes Valentino's phone and wordlessly takes the picture.

"Are you, uhm this might sound silly but are you Sam Kore?" I ask and he smiles.

"Got me. How has it been your majesty?" he asks and I squeal.

"Oh my gosh it is you!" I say and he bows before me.

"It's safe to assume you're well acquainted with each other." Valentino says and we turned to look at him.

"I'll tell you all about my old friend later when we get home."

"I hope you're driving us to the event because we have so much to catch up on." I said.

"As you wish your highness." he says. We exit the palace and get inside the latest beautiful matte black Bentley. During the car ride to the venue I explained to Valentino how me and Sam met. Then with Sam we spoke about how our lives have changed as we went our separate ways back then. In the last six years since meeting Sam, he had advanced in the ranks to becoming a lieutenant of his division. He was strong, skilled and resourceful. He was even in attendance of Valentino's coronation and mine two weeks after my betrothal to the prince. All prior to our wedding. He seemed to be very well versed about the royal family and I didn't understand Valentino's short and curt behavior with Sam but I took it as a cue to end the conversation immediately. I didn't think too much about it all. When we arrived at the venue, the flashing lights of the paparazzi blinded me. Journalists and news reporters swarmed us from either side of the velvet carpet with questions. Each and every one of them did their best to draw our attention or get a response from us. By the end of this evening Valentino and his brother Antonio will be recognized as Emperors of the Versace and Versailles empire and their wives as empresses through marriage. The evening ran smoothly without a hitch. We spoke to a few people of rich status, nobility and socialites alike. Waitresses passed silently throughout the crowds, each of their trays adorned with finger foods and champagne flutes. As a professional, Valentino swiped two glasses from one of the passing waitresses and handed me a glass of the sparkling liquid. I thanked him as we made our way to our seats. The first dance for the twin Emperors would be starting. I watched him and his brother ascend the stairs to the stage. Antonio stood next to Valentino and he started his speech. Valentino finished the speech with thanks to everyone. Katlego and I were called to the stage to stand beside our husband's side as we were all crowned by the grand priestess of the Italy. We all walked back to our seats with crowns on our heads.

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