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{ your POV }

"I hate you...but stop getting in so much trouble" i mumbled grabbing some kid aid hoping i could help him from the deep cut.

"Can you just treat it and shut up about it" he mumbled

"Can you just treat it and shut up about it" he mumbled

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"Fine...pull your shirt off" i whispered, never knowing i would ever say that. Once he did i gulped

Seeing his blood covered back, as underneath all the blood where lots of scars.

"A-are these the scars-"

"Just treat it" jungkook broke me off making me sigh. Slowly nodding. Hearing him hissing from time to time.


What seemed like ages to him it soon was done as he dressed up again. He was about to walk away but i grabbed his arm

"Stop running away kook" i whispered. He stared at me and raised a brow "my grandmother always told me to face my problems and fix them...don't run away"

"I told you not to worry-"

"But i do! Especially because I'm involved now jungkook! Can't you understand that i miss my family? My friends? That i wanna go home?"

"No i can't" he shook his head "because i never had a home jin-a."

"I wanted to give you one jungkook! But you decided to ruin it"

"If you stayed out of my stuff that day you wouldn't be here!"

"But i would have lost my father" i whispered

"I told you that i will once give you your answers jin-a. But this ain't the right moment"

"Then when will it be! You're getting more bruises! I have practically traveled the whole world because you are running away! But for what!"

"This really-"

"I just want answers jungkook! You know I won't hurt you! All i give you now is a opportunity to get help"

"I don't need it. I've always been alone. I'm not failing now"

"Hurting your ego to help yourself won't be the death of you jungkook. It's obvious you yourself have lots of questions."

"It doesn't matter jin-a."

"Yes it does" i whispered. He sighs and closed his eyes

"I'm done with this conversation" he mumbled and pulled his arm out of my grip. Seeing him walking off upstairs


{ jk POV }

Staring at the rain falling down, while the drops on the window were racing with each other.

Memories floated in my head. Back to the years where i was 16. The worst days of my life.

I let out a sigh and shook away the thoughts. After all these years i hoped i would have forgotten them.

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