part 1

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we were here.Chicago. a new start

as i was moving boxes from the car to my house i couldn't ignore the House accros from me...

"Cmon we're gonna be late!"
i seen a ginger girl,about my age and then a boy,oh my god.His hair,his sideburns and little smirk

he seen i was staring and i ran quickly to the house with boxes

i looked through the window and he was walking away.

a few hours later(7:00)

i heared a knock at the door and ran to it
i seen the ginger girl With cookies in her hand

she gave me a big smile


" im debbie,debbie Gallagher"

"hey debbie,i'm y/n"

"oh i- brought u some cookies Welcome to chicago"

i walked out side and we sat down on her steps

she offered me a cigarette

"Um debbie? Im to young to be some king and same with you"

she laughed

"cmon y/n dont be fucking with the gallaghers if your innocent.Try it"

I put it in my mouth inhaled and slowly exhaled

she laughed at me But it was indeed funny

"Look i need to go now debbie,Im always across the street if you need me yea?"

"hold on,i wanted u to meet all of the gallaghers"

i Heard a scream from their house and we both ran into her house

i seen The Brown Haired boy with Plaits and Side burns like in the moring He nodded his head and smirked at me

i rolled my eyes and Seen a tall woman who looked the the oldest droped A glass jar With jam or soemthing
I helped clean it up and made my way home

i hope i can meet everyone tmmr.This is starting off well.
hi guys i hope your enojing this!!
sorry for any spelling mistakes!

her first love/carl gallagherWhere stories live. Discover now