Part 2

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"First day of school!" 

I heard my mum scream,I got up and had to pick an outfit

I also can't forget I cant look bad,I might see Carl

I picked skinny black ripped jeans and a nice crop grey hoodie,I put some concealer on with mascara.

I entered the kitchen ate my sandwich and left the house

I seen Debbie and ran up to her,not realising Carl was there as well.

"Hey Debbie" I said ignrning carls smirk at me

"Hey y/n,try to behave on ur first day of school" 

"Or don't and come detention with me and we can do whatever we want"

Cal said smirking,god will he leave me alone he nearly knows me and.

I smile"Carl,How about no I'm not like you,and I don't want to be and I won' just leave me be okay?"

He came up and whispered to my ear 

"Come over after school"

I ignored him and walked with Debbie with Carl behind me,I could feel him stare at me


 I check and see it was my phone 


Your going to the Gallaghers house after school,me and dad have to go somewhere and won't be back until Sunday,I left the keys just in case with Fiona.


I looked back at carl and he was already looking at me.

We finally got to the school and went our separate ways.

My time table for today(Thursday)





Double religion.

I walked into English and sat where there was space I looked to my right and seen Carl.Wonderful isn't it.

It was now lunch.

I searched for Debbie and sat with her.I seen Carl sitting with some Slut looking girl.

"That's Dom,his girlfriend."

I ignored her and ate my lunch

(School was over)

I saw  Debbie and we started walking together.

I felt a tickle on my back and looked straight was lip

"There's my favourite Gallagher!!"

Carl rolled his eyes  And I laughed a bit

"Hey y/n ur mum asked me to come with u to get ur clothes and whatever u need from ur house,we're also having a party on u gotta pick something nice"

We got to my house and I took what I needed. 

I unloaded my stuff at Debbie's and sat downstairs on the couch.

Carl came in the kitchen

"Want a beer?"

"No I don't drink Carl"

He laughed at me and sat beside me

I felt his tigh touch mine,he placed his arm around me but I didint care since it was cold


I woke up and seen me laying on carls lap with a blanket on me

Cute.but no he got a girlfriend. 

Fiona rushed downstairs

"Guys come one!school and it's already 11!"

"I don't feel well Fiona I'm not going In"

I say to her obviously lieing.

"Fine,at least can u clean around th house a bit and try get Carl to clean his."


she left the house to go to work and I got up.

I went and got a shower. I put on black leggings and a white tank top.I didint put any makeup on and put my hair in 2 Dutch braids.


Long chapter,enjoy besties.

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⏰ Last updated: Dec 20, 2021 ⏰

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