Im done

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Chris POV

I was having a good time with the guys, we decided to pop out to the closet bar and just have a few drinks. As always there was a few girls around, some of them were nice, they were talking to us. Others were more flirty, so I tried to stay away from them but there was this one particular girl who just wouldn't leave me alone. She kept putting her arm around me and getting close, I could see the paparazzi and I knew they would be taking pictures. So I leaned in and was about to ask her to stop but she quickly turned her head and kissed me. I immediately pulled back and pushed her away. As soon as that happened I told Scott I wanted to leave and he agreed. I needed to get back to Sarah before someone told her what happened.
As I was being driven home, I got a text from Audrey telling me Sarah had called her in a state and was heading over to her house.
I tried calling her but she wasn't answering. I then got a text from Scarlett with an article attached as I opened it I saw the head line and the picture. Fuck! The media works fast. I called Scarlett and told her what happened and she said I should go talk to Sarah before she found out. But I had I feeling she already knew. Why else would she be going to Audrey's house at 12:30am. I asked the cab driver to take me to Audrey's, he was stuck in traffic. There looked like there was a big crash up ahead. It looked pretty bad, I hope who ever was in there was okay.
I rang Audrey and she answered straight away
"Audrey is Sarah there?"
"No, she should of been here by now"
"Well where is she?"
"I don't know Chris"
My heart sank, I got this horrible feeling in my stomach. I got out of the cab and ran towards the crash sight. And there it was...Sarah's car upside down and totalled.
I was frantically looking around for Sarah but I couldn't see her. I ran towards the ambulances and that's when I saw her. She was unconscious, blood everywhere.
"That's my wife, OMG is she okay?"
"What's her name sir?"
"Sarah, Sarah Evans and I'm Chris"
"Okay Chris, we've done all we can here we need to get her to a hospital. Does she have any medical conditions we should know about?"
"She has cancer, lung cancer"
"Okay. Are you coming in the ambulance with us?"
"Yes please"
I climbed inside and took Sarah's hand, she had so much blood.
"Come on baby, wake up for me please" I was crying, I couldn't loose her, we had been through so much, survived so much. She had to survive this.
When we got to the hospital she was rushed into surgery, I called Audrey and my mum and they called everyone else. After almost 2 hours, a doctor came out to us.
Audrey and my mum had come to the hospital to be with me.
"Mr evans?"
"Yes, how is my wife?"
"She is stable. She had some pretty serious injuries but we have managed to stop the internal bleeding. Now it looks like your wife had a blood clot burst while she was driving. That can happen when stress in involved. With her cancer and her treatments, she can bleed a lot more then usual. But she is okay. We will need to keep an eye on her for now and see how she goes through the night"
"Okay thank you doctor"
"Would you like to see her?"
"Yes please"
He walked me to her room, when I walked in she was so bruised and swollen. I couldn't stop the tears. I had flash backs from the night I found her in the mens toilet after her attack.
Why did she always end up in here? I was supposed to be protecting her, this time, this is my fault. She wouldn't have been in that car if she hadn't of seen the photos.
"Baby? Please wake up. I need you"
I sat with her for a while, falling sleep by her bedside.
Im woken up by a hand on my head, I look up and see Sarah looking down at me.
"Chris? What happened?"
"You don't remember?"
"I remember driving to Audrey's but nothing after that"
"You were hit by a car, you had a blood clot burst and you must of taken your eyes of the road for two seconds and didn't see the on coming car"
"Omg! Did I hurt anyone?"
"No baby you didn't"
"I saw the photos"
"I know baby, please let me explain okay"
"Sarah please it's not what it looked like"
"No Chris! You need to leave"
"Baby please?"
"Go Chris! Now!"
I didn't want to upset her more so I left. As I walked to the waiting area Audrey walked past me to go Sarah and my mum came to me.
"Honey what happened?"
"She doesn't want to see me"
"But your her husband"
"She thinks I cheated on her mum"
"What? Why?"
I sat my mum down and explained everything and then I sat and cried in her arms. My wife needed me and yet she didn't want me.
I needed to talk to her, to explain nothing happened. I love her so much. I just needed the chance to explain.

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