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Post-"P H O E N I X"

Jill smirked as Jack wiped his brow with his sleeve. "Isn't that what these napkins are for?" she asked, holding up one of the aforementioned items.

The two Havenites sat at a table in the yard behind Safe Haven Church of God, where almost the entire population of Safe Haven had gathered to celebrate Zechariah and Cameron's wedding. Jill wore a simple white dress while Jack wore a white tux with a black tie.

"Stop sweating so much," Jill scolded Jack. "It's gonna show in your pits."

"I'm trying! It's hot!" Jack complained. "Man... I thought wedding receptions were supposed to fun. This is so boring!"

"Have a couple glasses of champagne," Jill suggested with a mischievous wink. "That'll definitely make it more fun." To emphasize her point, she took a swig from her own glass.

Jack frowned—not in annoyance, but in concern. "You're tired, aren't you?" he asked.

Jill hesitated before slowly lowering her glass. "What makes you say that?"

"You're having trouble keeping your eyes open," Jack pointed out. "And don't blame the champagne," he added before Jill could crack another joke. "You haven't been sleeping, have you?"

"What is this, Twenty Questions?" Jill asked, mildly irritated. "I'm sleeping fine, Jack. It's just... fighting all those bots exhausted me."

"That was a month ago," Jack reminded her.

"Right? I can't believe it either!"

"For the love of—Jill! You're not okay!" Jack cried, throwing up his hands. "I'm just trying to make sure you—"

"Make sure I what? Sleep better?" Jill interrupted sarcastically, now more than "mildly" irritated. "I can handle myself, Jack. Seriously—I'm fine."

"Hey, ladies! It's time for the bouquet toss!"

Jack and Jill turned (with the latter chugging Jack's entire glass of champagne) as Kim Kingsley, Cameron's maid-of-honour, made the declaration. A cluster of young women quickly swarmed toward Zechariah and Cameron, who were watching them in amusement as they chattered loudly.

"Are you gonna join in?" Jack asked, turning to Jill.

"Why? You want me to get married next?" Jill asked back, fluttering her eyelashes at him.

Jack blushed bright red. "I—that's not—I mean—um—"

"Ooh, what's the matter, Jack?" Jill crooned, standing and lightly cupping Jack's chin as she sauntered toward the other women. "Cat got your tongue?"

Jack's sweating increased exponentially.

Jill laughed, slipping into the crowd of women and crossing her arms. This has to be one of the dumbest things I've ever done for kicks, she thought, but, y'know... what the heck.

"Ready?" Cameron called, holding up her bouquet.

The ladies squealed excitedly, eagerly awaiting the toss.

Cameron grinned and hurled the flowers into the air—then burst out laughing as one of her bridesmaids, Camilla Jimenez, leapt into the air, screaming, "GOT IT!" as she snagged the bouquet.

The crowd cheered as Camilla landed delicately and held up the bouquet in triumph.

One of the applauding wedding guests—a Serpian named Gustav—scoffed and muttered to his friend Addison, "Ach. I wonder what unlucky fool will end up marrying her."

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