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"We're sick of this damn pack! The Alpha family uses Omegas for personal gain and their heir is an omega-raping bastard!"

Another large group of families left the pack. That was the fourth one this week. Not that I blamed them. They were right after all.

I was a sick bastard who raped his omega mate the night he turned 18, only to reject him months later when he came to say he was pregnant with my child... children, actually, since he was pregnant with twins.

Of course, after that he left the pack and joined a new one, meeting his second chance mate immediately. It pissed me off so I decided to interfere, purposely making him feel guilty enough he wanted to return on his own. I kidnapped him outside his new pack's borders, locking him up back home.

Looking back now though, who was I to get in their way? I was the one to reject him, not the other way around. So why did I have to go and hurt him further? I was lucky his new mate didn't kill me the day he came to rescue my m...no, my ex-mate. He was too good for me.

Now this pack was breaking apart, and it was all my fault. On top of that, it was discovered that my father had been using the omegas of the pack as bargaining chips in order to get treaties with other Alphas. If I was a sick bastard for what I did to one omega, what did that make my father? Or the Alphas who went along with it?

I slowly went back home after the group disappeared into the distance. Well, what remained of "home" at least. My father lost faith in me as an Alpha, and my mother, she couldn't trust me anymore. The fact I lied about what happened completely destroyed our relationship. Then again, my parents' relationship was also destroyed that day when my mother finally learned what my father had been doing in his office in order to get all those treaties.

I walked in the house, only to discover a backpack in front of me, one that could be worn even in wolf form. I looked up at my parents, but wished I hadn't. There was not an ounce of emotion on either of their faces.

"Dean Richards," my father began, using that strong Alpha Voice of his that commanded attention. I stared at him with bated breath, waiting for what I knew was coming. "You have yet to receive the Alpha title from me, and therefore have no standing in this pack other than as my heir. As such, you are hereby banished from Silver Moon."

I could instantly feel the connection with the pack break. Did that make me a Rogue? I didn't feel like one. I just felt rejected.

"You shall leave, and be a lone wolf. Now get out of our sight."

My parents walked away with those lovely parting words.

I knew that if I didn't find a pack, or create one myself, I'd descend into madness, and become a true Rogue wolf. I grabbed the backpack and left.

"Goodbye, Mother, Father," I whispered over my shoulder into the empty room.

With that, I left the Silver Moon Pack and all my memories behind me.

I had been walking for weeks. I came across many former ally packs, but the second I was allowed in, they only allotted me enough time to rest and have a single meal before I was kicked out. I even came upon non-ally packs a few times, but it was the same result. Apparently, word had spread about what had happened with Jackson, and nobody could stand me. Hell, not even I could stand me.

At some point, I started relying on human towns for resources and sleep. That lasted all of a week, before somehow the towns had learned that I was a "violent rapist" and wouldn't allow me to even enter. How they heard about it was anyone's guess, but it didn't matter to me. All that mattered was that I obviously wasn't wanted anywhere near this area. So I moved on.

I was walking along the side of a road, not really knowing where I was going, when I picked up a very faint scent. I decided to follow it, wanting to figure out where it was coming from and identify what the scent was.

"Mate!!" That was so loud it gave me a headache. But being able to hear Axle so excited about something after almost complete radio silence for three years was totally worth the pain.

"Axle. It's been awhile. Where is our Mate?" I responded quickly. I didn't want to let this opportunity go to waste.

"Just up ahead. They're severely injured." Hearing that, I hurried my pace, not wanting my mate to die.

What I found was something I was not expecting in the least. There was who I guess was my mate, laying in a ditch on the side of the road, curled into a tight orange ball. The color of the fur instantly gave it away, my mate was a fox.

"Mate is hurt. We have to help him." My eyes widened at Axle's words.

"H-him?" I stuttered in reply. Not only was my mate a fox, but a male fox? Was the Moon Goddess cursing me or something? What had I done to end up with a second male mate?

"Questions later. Action now," Axle said impatiently. I could feel him pacing in my mind.

I rolled my eyes at him and slowly bent down to pick up the orange ball of fur. The second I touched him, I felt that all too familiar spark. This damn fox was definitely my mate. And I wasn't sure if I was happy about that or not. I shook my head to rid myself of that thought, deciding to help him first and then figure out what to do after.

The little fluff ball let out a pained whimper as I lifted him, only to curl up further into my arms when I stood up. I felt my lips twitch into a smile. It was pretty cute.

I sniffed around the area in an attempt to locate where exactly this fox had come from. When I found his trail, I followed it, heading into the trees that bordered the highway.

I could feel the little fox's breathing as I walked. It was shallow and accompanied by the occasional pained whimper. I sped up a bit as I weaved through the trees, following the scent.

By the time I reached a clearing, I was running. My mate began having longer intervals between each breath, and it honestly terrified me. I wasn't sure what was happening, and I didn't know where I was. It surprised me how quickly I was beginning to care for this virtual stranger. I stopped when the scent trail ended, confused and panting for breath, searching everywhere I could for another scent to follow.

I blinked, and I was surrounded by a large group of people, mostly kids with very few adults. I couldn't tell what they were with the size of the group, but I assumed there weren't just foxes. At that moment, I realized my mate had gotten even worse.

"H-help me... he...he isn't breathing..." I fell to my knees with this ball of fur in my arms, surrounded by strangers, and began to sob. Who's emotions were these? Were they my own or Axle's? I didn't know and didn't really care.

"Let me take him, I'm the doctor here, and I can help him," a soft voice said. I looked through blurry eyes and saw a very timid-looking omega with his arms stretched before him, a white lab coat signifying the truth in his words.

I carefully placed my dying mate in his arms with one last pet to his soft fur, before the doctor took him away. I watched him and a small group that broke off the original run into a large den I hadn't noticed before, and disappear.

My heart clenched in my chest and Axle let out a howl of agony as we felt our mate slipping away from us. I wrapped my arms around myself and curled up on the leaf-covered ground, tears cascading down my cheeks, and the only thought in my mind being a prayer to the Moon Goddess.

Don't give me a second chance mate, only to rip him away from me right away.

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