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I was drifting through a black abyss.

I could hear voices speaking, one louder than others.

Each voice faded in and out, not quite clear enough for me to understand what was being said.

I wanted to stay in the darkness.

It felt peaceful. I was warm, and there wasn't any pain at all.

"When you wake up, we'll decorate the nursery together, pick out all their clothes. It'll be a lot of fun. Please wake up soon."

Whose voice was that? It sounded so familiar, and it soothed a part of me that I didn't even know existed.

"Papa, when he wake up? He been seepin' way too long."

A different voice, much younger. It also soothed an ache I wasn't aware of.

Who were these people? Why did that sound like a child?

"Jocelyn, I want him to wake up as much as you do, but he was hurt really bad, and needs to rest."

That voice again. I had to find out who that voice belonged to. Why it had such a calming effect on me.

I pushed through the darkness, fighting as it reached out for me like tentacles trying to keep me trapped. I needed to be free, to get out, to find the owner of the voice. I fought the tendrils of darkness, until I felt something soft and warm under my hand. It felt like hair, but I didn't understand why.

I tried to move my hand, to get an understanding as to what it was, when the softness pulled away from underneath, leaving my palm cold.

"H-he moved... I swear he moved his fingers in my hair!"

More sounds reached me as I drew closer to the surface: running feet, scraping chairs, and a steady BEEP BEEP BEEP sound coming from somewhere near my head.

A caress of fingers across my face. A brush of lips over my own. A voice whispering to me, wake up.

Everything I was feeling was pushing me closer to the surface. The tendrils were growing weaker, and I finally was able to do it. I tried to open my eyes, but they wouldn't move, as if my eyelids were glued shut.

"He's waking up! His eyes moved!"

More sounds of footsteps, a few clicks around me. A pair of hands gripping one of my own. I fought harder to open my eyes. Finally, I cracked them open, but everything was blurry. I couldn't see anything very clearly.

"Dean? Baby, can you squeeze my hand?"

I forced my hand to move, squeezing one of the hands holding it. My eyes closed again, and I didn't even try to force them open for a while. I was exhausted just from what I had accomplished.

The next time I opened my eyes, I could see clearer. I could tell the room was darker than it had been the first time, most likely meaning it was now late.

Instead of the hands, I once again felt the soft and warm thing under my hand. I didn't bother trying to move my head, knowing the movement would most likely tire me out, and simply moved my eyes toward my hand.

I saw red hair under my palm. I suddenly remembered the voice that had pulled me out of the darkness. It was Evan! It was my mate!

I felt something resting on my face, right under my nose and across my cheeks. Whatever it was, cold air was flowing into my nose from it.

Alpha's Second Chance (Second Chance Book 2)Where stories live. Discover now