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"Let's go eat already, so I can devour that sweet ass of yours for dessert," Dean whispered in my ear huskily, causing me to inhale sharply, only to choke on my own spit. He laughed as he walked out of the room, and I followed right after him.

Thinking back on what we were about to do, it made me blush, but I was also somewhat grateful for Angel's interruption. I wasn't sure what to expect after dinner. Was he planning on actually claiming me? Or was this just going to be a way to satisfy a primal urge, and he wasn't going to claim me at all, like what happened with his first Mate? Suddenly, I didn't want to go through with it at all...

"Chill, kit," Jasper said. It was the first time he'd called me Kit before, but I didn't mind. "You're majorly overthinking this stuff. If you really don't feel comfortable, why not invite him on a run with you? I'm positive he hasn't gone since he arrived, and I'm pretty sure Axle needs to get out."

I considered Jasper's suggestion, before nodding, it was a good idea, and I'd do it. I just hoped Dean wouldn't be too upset about it.

Right before we made it to the dining room, I tugged on his sleeve. When he turned around, I bowed my head slightly.

"Can we go on a run after dinner instead?" I mumbled quietly. I really didn't want to upset my Mate by denying him what he wanted, but at the same time, I wanted to make sure I also felt comfortable before we kept going.

"What? I couldn't hear you. Could you repeat that for me, babe?" Dean asked.

I looked up and sighed before repeating my question. When he heard it, there was a look on Dean's face that I couldn't quite read.

"What do you mean instead? I thought you were just as into it as I was?" He looked at me confused, and I didn't really know how to explain it to him.

I didn't want to hurt him by saying I didn't want to be treated like his first Mate, which was true, but I also wanted our mating to be more meaningful than a spur of the moment.

"I-I was, it's just..." my voice trailed off, unsure of how to put my feelings into words.

"Let me guess," he started, a sad sigh escaping as he stepped away from me. The distance he put between us made my chest ache. "You're worried I'll somehow treat you like Jackson. Is that it?" He crossed his arms as he leaned against the far wall.

"N-no," I stammered. "I-I just want our mating to be special... not just some spur of the moment thing that you could come to regret..." I looked down at my feet, unable to continue looking at Dean.

"You think I'd regret mating with you?" His voice was soft, quiet. I knew instantly that he'd taken my words out of context, and they'd hurt him.

Obviously I can't handle having a Mate if I can't even put my own feelings into words that make sense to anyone!

Instead of responding, I ran. My eyes were stinging, and I could feel the tears overflowing, falling down my face, but I didn't care. I had to get away.

I heard Dean's voice calling after me, but I didn't stop. I ran passed the dining room and through the front door, out into the clearing. I didn't know what to do, so I simply shed my clothes and quickly shifted into my fox form, running into the forest, not wanting to be caught by anyone.

I found myself back near the little town where I'd met Glinda before. I shifted back, and found a spare set of clothes in a knothole of a tree, before heading into the town, and toward the flower shop. I wasn't exactly expecting it to be open at this late hour, and I also wasn't planning on buying anything, but being here, with the fragrant blooms made me feel better.

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