Chapter 10

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Karl POV

George walks off to find us a table while I go up to the counter to order our drinks. I get a hot chocolate with extra whip cream because I think coffee is super gross, and I order a latte for George. I stand off to the side waiting on our drinks when the barista calls my name for the drinks.

"Hot chocolate and latte for Karl" The man behind the counter shouts

"Oh those are mine" I answer walking over to the man

As he gives me the drinks our hands brush and he gives me a wink. I shudder in disgust and make my way over to the table George is sitting at.

"Oh my god Karl that guy was definitely flirting with you" George gushes like a teenage girl

"Was he?"

"Well I'm not interested" I respond

"And why not? You don't have a partner" he asks in a confused tone

"I know but something about that guy rubs me the wrong way" I shrug taking a sip of my hot coco

George rolls his eyes and takes a drink of his latte while picking up his phone at the same time. He sits his drink down and types with a loving smile. I can only assume he's texting his boyfriend. What was his name? Dream? Yeah I think that's it.

"So George where did you and Dream meet"

"We lived in the same town growing up so we already knew each other just not well, so we went ran into each other at the supermarket we started talking and ended up spending the whole summer together" George beamed reliving the memories

"Aww that's adorable, when did he ask you to be his boyfriend?" I giggled

"We were hanging out at my house on one of the last days of summer and were talking about what our plans looked like after summer ended. I told him I was going back to university. Turns out he was starting school here too so we decided to be roommates. A few days later he came over to help me pack and asked me then" he explains with a smile on his face.

I nodded with a grin to tell him I understood and went back to sipping on my coco. Me and George talk back and forth catching up for another hour, before heading back to the dorms. Turns out we were next door neighbors, I don't know how we didn't realize before but needless to say we're going to start hanging out a lot more now. Me and George go our separate ways walking into my dorm. I see Sap asleep on my bed cuddling on one of my pillows. I quietly giggled to myself going over to him leaning down to gently brush the hair out of his eyes.

"Sapnap Sap, Sappy~" I whisper getting increasingly louder each time

He stays asleep so I use my last resort option, and shake the honk out of him until he wakes up with a gasp. I burst out laughing from the look on his face, soon he pulled me next to him joining in on the laughter.

"Welcome back pretty boy, I missed you" he mumbles into my shoulder as he hugs me tight

I returned the hug while snuggling into him. I missed his warmth and his strong arms around my waist. It's only been a few hours but I feel like it's been years, probably because this is the most physical affection I've gotten in a long time. I mean I did cuddle with George last year but it feels completely different from mine and Sap's snuggle sessions. There's just something about Sap that makes me feel so happy and bubbly inside.

- 10 months later-

Sapnap POV

Today is important for so many reasons, it's the end of my first year of college, I get to go home and see my family, but most importantly I'm going to ask Karl to be my boyfriend. We've been inseparable ever since the day we ran into each other by the office. The time we've spent together has been amazing and I can't imagine this year any other way. This day has to be perfect because Karl deserves perfection, so I asked George to help me set it up. The plan is to take him out to a nice restaurant, then go to the flower field we always stargaze in together, and have a little blanket set out on the ground and fairy lights hanging in the treetops. Ugh I'm so excited, but there is this tiny thought in the back of my brain that keeps making me second guess myself. What if he says no? Or if he laughs in my face? Could this ruin our friendship? My and Karl's friendship is the most important thing in my life. I can't lose it. Although it's less of a friendship and more of an unofficial relationship. I think we are a little too touchy to just be platonic friends. If he says yes I'm even thinking of inviting him home with me for the summer.

"Aww Sappy I'm going to miss you so much" he whines smothering me in hugs and tiny kisses all over my face

"I'm going to miss you to Jacobs" I whine back kissing the top of his head obnoxiously making him blush a bit

"That's why tonight has to be the best last day ever" I cheered picking him up and spinning him in a circle.

"So what exactly are these amazing 'best last day ever' plans" he giggles making fun of what I just said

"I can't tell you it's a surprise, all I can say is dress nice and bring a jacket for later that night" I smile bursting with joy

"What time are we leaving?" he asks already picking out an outfit

"Umm I think we need to leave around 7:30" I say texting George to make sure he can still get the last part set up tonight

"What the honk! That's in less than and hour I need to hurry" he gasps rushing to the bathroom with his clothes

I let out a sigh of relief when George texts back saying he can still set everything up for me. I put my phone down and work on picking out my own clothes for tonight. I grab a mid-thigh black pencil skirt pairing that with a gray rock band tee putting a striped turtleneck under, to dress it down a little. I put it all together and also wore ripped black tights to keep me somewhat warm tonight. I pull on my favorite pair of combat boots and some knee high socks.

"How do I look?" Karl mumbles nervously giving me a little twirl

He's wearing one of my oversized sweaters as a dress, and some thigh high boots with fuzzy socks sticking out the top. His hair is more curly than normal and has a little clip on the side. He looks absolutely stunning.

"Wow Karl you look so gorgeous" I cooed holding his face in my hands kissing the tip of his nose

"Are you ready to go pretty boy?" I ask picking up my keys

He nods with a smile leading the way to my car

We make it to the restaurant just in time for our dinner reservations and the hostess takes us to a small table in the back. The whole place is dimly lit with a candle on each table and classical music playing from the speakers. The atmosphere is so romantic, it's perfect. I do behind Karl and pull out this chair for him, pushing it in after he sits down. I walk to the opposite side of the table taking a seat in front of him. We eat our dinner with a casual back and forth conversation until it is time for the last part of my plan. We drive to the small field the lights coming into view the closer we get. I look over at Karl, his eyes lighting up at the sight .Me and Karl walk hand in hand through the wildflowers. We lay on the blanket, our hands intertwined looking at the beautiful starry night sky.

"Karl I need to ask you something" I start

"I've known there was something between us since the first time our eyes met, you've given me the best year of my life and I don't know what I would do without you"

"Karl, would you like to be my boyfriend?" I ask sitting up locking eyes with the small boy in front of me

"Oh my god! Yes I would love to" he gushes pulling me into a long awaited passionate kiss

"I love you Karl Jacobs"

"I love you more"

-the end-

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