Chapter Five

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"What is this regarding?" I ask Manin as we take quick strides down the corridor. I am trying to wipe my memory clean of the events that happened only a few moments ago but it is proving to be difficult. My legs ache as we walk the tediously long way to the palace gates.

Darian had begged me to stay but the least I can do for the people of our kingdom is to give them time and hear them out - whatever the situation. It is the least the people deserve. However, I can't ignore the thundering of my heart as to whether this is an ambush or something to lure me far from Darian.

That very thought alone causes my ears to ring and my palms to sweat.

"They wouldn't say... all they said is that they need to talk to you urgently," Manin informs me as we gain on the doors. "I've scouted the area, it's safe," he re-assures me and I relax by a margin.

When those doors open and I am met with their faces, all I am filled with is complete and utter confusion. "Mr and Mrs Jesper?" I question and their eyes light up at my presence. "What are you doing here so late?" I dare ask and Mrs Jesper's eyes turn glossy.

"It's Easton. We... we haven't heard anything from him in months and we're worried. We just wanted to make sure that he was okay," the woman sniffles and I furrow my brows in confusion.

"Easton... he was let go from the King's service a while ago. He was sent back to court... he didn't show?" I ask, worry settling in my bones. "I thought you were aware," Darian I am sure would have notified his parents or at least the people of my court.

"He never came back and you know what he's like... every week he sends us a letter to tell us how he is doing and they just stopped..." Mrs Jesper trails off before she breaks into a sob. "We thought... we thought you of all people would know where he is."

"Oh, I'm not..." I decide on now not being the time to inform them of our break up. "I hadn't seen Easton in the days before he was let go but I was informed that he was sent back to court. Are you sure you haven't heard anything from him?" it truly isn't like him to disappear off of the face of the earth.

"Yes, we are sure!" Mrs Jesper outbursts and I take a step back. Mr Jesper comforts his wife and I can't fathom the pain they must be in. To not know where your child is... it must be a pain so unfathomable. Just the thought makes me instinctively place my hand over my stomach.

"I'm sorry... we're just worried," Mr Jesper speaks on behalf of his wife and I nod my head. "It's not like him. We just want to know where our son is."

"Of course, I understand. I'm going to have to look into things and consult the King but in the meantime... would you like to stay? There's plenty of room. Just until we find out more on the situation?" I suggest but they both shake their heads.

"No... thank you for the offer but we best be going. Thank you for listening... it means a great deal," Mr Jesper says before he guides his wife away from the door and back down the dark gravel road.

My mind is trying to comprehend everything as Manin closes the door. "Who were they?" he questions but I turn on my heel and walk away from him - too busy with all of the thoughts and possibilities running through my head.

I need to sleep.

It has been too much for one day and I need to sleep on things. Besides, all of the stress cannot be good for me or anyone for that matter. It will all still be there tomorrow, it doesn't seem to be going any time soon so what's one day going to do?

I try to outwalk Manin but he is hot on my heels the entire time. "What did Mila say to you?" Manin questions as I continue to try to walk quicker but fail miserably. Why does everyone care so much?

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⏰ Last updated: Apr 06 ⏰

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