Where to From Here?

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Y/N walked towards the Great Hall after his early morning solitary work out. Bloody hell he missed having Hermione with him. Katie would probably be more than willing to go with him and watch, but there was no way that was happening. The Room of Requirement was his and Hermione's special place. No one else's. As he walked through the corridor leading to the Hall he stopped and smiled.

The victorious Gryffindor Quidditch team display had already been assembled

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The victorious Gryffindor Quidditch team display had already been assembled. The first team to dethrone Slytherin in eight years. It was a good feeling. He would be rubbing it into Dean for sure.


Y/N sat at the Gryffindor table with Newt on his shoulder, smiling to himself happily. He had won the Quidditch Cup for his house less than 24 hours previously. He had a girlfriend. Someone to love him, accept him. The smile faded as he remembered Hermione the previous evening. He hoped against hope she would still be his best friend. He had honoured her wishes. Surely she would stay his best friend. She made it clear she wasn't interested that way. He filled the hole in his chest with another.

His thoughts went to Katie again. He did care for her. She had a hard outer shell and liked to portray herself as the baddest bitch around, but he was sure she had a sweetness in her core, she just kept it covered. She had always been sweet around him.

He smiled as she entered the Great Hall

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He smiled as she entered the Great Hall. She smiled even more, squealing and rushing over to her boyfriend. She jumped onto his lap and pulled him into a deep kiss.

"Morning handsome" she smiled ecstatically.

"Morning Katie" Y/N smirked before she peppered his lips again.

The two heard a throat clean as Katie placed one more kiss on Y/N's lips before they turned to the source of said throat clearing.

Beatrice and Cedric were stood across the table from them. Cedric looked shocked. Beatrice looked furious. She held the same look Penny had on the few occasions she was angry. It wasn't a good thing.

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