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( based on fear street : 1666 )

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( based on fear street : 1666 )


THE NIGHT WAS COLD AND DAMP. The townspeople walked towards the hanging tree. A women around the age of sixty-eight struggled to get out of the men's grip as they continued to walk towards the tree. Everyone in town surrounded the tree as the men put a noose around the womens neck.

" Do you admit that you're a witch ! " the man yelled out.

" no ! I never did such thing , i never portrayed any magic or did such a sin ! " she yelled out. The people around her shouted out in disagreement.

" you lie ! " someone jn the crowd cried out. The old women felt the noose tighten around her neck, causing her to gasp out for air.

The men tighten the grip of the rope.

" do you anything to say before you meet your fate in hell ?!"

The women looked out before the crowd , seeing the faces of the sins, people who deserved to be burned.

" When i burn ,

you shall remember me as being innocent. I never did any sin. You shall remember my name , Elizabeth Holmes. The truth will come out. The truth shall be your curse. It will haunt you and and follow you and your childrens children for eternity! " she roared.

Then at the next moment,  Elizabeth Holmes was hanged for being a ' witch '

JULY 14TH , 1989

JULY 14TH , 1989

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NANCY LOWN looked out the clear window. The trees blowing by as her short hair blew in the wind. She closed her eyes and felt the wind blow against her lids.

" how you feel about camp this year nance ? " her mother, Nina Lown , asks her.

" great , im actually excited this year. " she replies as she looks at her mother. Her mother grabs her hand soflty and holds it there.

Moments like those calmed nancy.

" well , since your a councilor this year , you have more opportunities. " her mother tells her , not looking away from the road .

" ya , that is true. " nancy replies softly.

" this is going to be the best summer ever. " nancy thought.



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⏰ Last updated: Dec 15, 2021 ⏰

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