Chapter 1

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Mentalist Pov 

Am I in love? 

I've been asking that question for almost 2 months now, and i still don't know. Ever since I have looked at him and spend a little time getting to know him, i feel like i'm in love...with SENKU?! 

The Celery scientist that probably wouldn't notice me EVER, he probably only sees me as a friend. But...what if he feels the same way like I do?!'s not he always says "Ten billion precent", It's absolutely Ten billion precent does not feel the same way I do.  

Does He? 

I woke up to the sound of someone calling my name. Who was that? I don't know who it was, but the next 3 seconds, i see senku standing near the door.  

"Oi..Mentalest! We need to do some work today, so are you going to get up and help, or keep your head down?" 

"Ok Ok I'm up jezz..." 

He looked at me as if he was a bit annoyed, but i was just cranky in the mornings, and he knows that....i think. 

"Sorry, I just didn't get enough sleep last night..." 

"Well you were snoring in my ear all night and you held my hand for the entirely of the night, so that all signs of "you can't sleep"? 

"WH-" I didn't have anything to say but sit their in embarrassment. 

"Well, It's fine, i don't mind anyway. If somethings on your mind, I am here. You can tell me anything...ok?!" 

Such soft words he spoke.... 

I nodded 

"Ok well, come on, everyone is waiting for you!" 


Onced I got ready, I felt calm, yet a love arrow just shot at me just now. 

I can't deny anymore about my feelings. I'm .... 

In love with Senku 

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