Chapter 6

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Mentalist Pov

Great....just great...I'm stuck here in this cage , have no where to go and no where to run because there are gaurds EVERYWHERE! I wonder how I'm going to get out...Oh! Maybe I can trick one of the garuds! No...they know my tricks by now....

It's been a few hours later and I'm bored....THEY DON'T AT LEAST BRING SOME FO- 

Hyoga slip Ig it was fish from the lake or sm. Idk. 

"Eat up or you'll die." "Dang why so cruel Hyoga chan?" After that he just walked away. Such a jerk. Well I guess hes always been that way. 

It was about nighttime.....great....Senku-chan hasn't came to save me yet....Hmph! To be honest...I hope he wears a prince outfit or sm...i would probably laugh my ass off tho-

As I was thinking to myself, I dosed off to sleep...AGAIN? I feel like I'm a sleepy boy or something.. 

1 Hour later 

"Gen...Get up...I'm going to get you out of here." I heard a soft yet...demanding voice....

"Senku-chan- oh it you!" "SHHHHH be quiet or you will get caught!" Ukyo? Why was he helping me escape? Eh if i can see Senku-chan and the rest again, then I guess It's fine to trust him. 

"And....FIRE!" I heard a loud voice from a distance. Then from behind....a me. 

"Damn it!" Ukyo, Don't worry about me, I will promise to get out of here!" "Tch..Whatever, just get ou- THE heck happend to your..." 

"Don't worry about that Ukyo-chan...I will go..." I started to run as fast as I can as Ukyo just standed their like I'm not being attacted rn! EH Ig he can't do anything. "bye i will see you later" I said that in a wisper...but I'm pretty sure he heard me....since he nodded as I ran back.... 

"Everyone... I was saved by U-"

That familier color....I see it every night....Black....nothing.....but darkness 

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