Chapter fourteen

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tae: Namjoon hyung i already have a boyfriend and why is she bothering me now too? she doesn't even let me have a private time with him..if i even had..she will come in the middle of our convo..

namjoon: I know tae..I know..I always tell her..

jk: Hi taetae hyungie...

tae: koo...

he pecked jungkook's forehead and wrapped his arm around jungkook's waist.namjoon went away saying good bye to the couple.

jk:what were you talking about hyungie?

tae: ah..about Ara..

jungkook giggled.

jk: You know what tae?..i had to tell my eomma about us..

taehyung widened his eyes.

tae: wait--what she said baby? am i in trouble?? did she blame you?

jungkook shook his head smiling.

jk:no taetae..she was happy..but she doesn't know who is my boyfriend ..

taehyung nodded.

jk: Jin hyung is the one who exposed us..

taehyung laughed.

tae: of course..i know you won't tell it by yourself..

jk: yes hyungie!

both of them sat down and taehyung rest his head on jungkook's lap.Jungkook smiled and ruffles his boyfriend's hair. Then just like taehyung said,they saw Ara coming to them with a big smile.

tae: Oh god ..not now..

jk:tae..just close your eyes pretending you are sleeping..

taehyung nodded and closed his eyes.Then Ara came to them.

Ara: Hey tae--what's wrong with him?

jk: He is sleeping Ara..

Ara smile crouched down .

Ara: awee he looks tired...

jungkook nodded his head.

Ara: You can get up jungkookie.. i will take care of him..

jk: No Ara..i can--

Ara: No no.. i can take care if him..

jungkook sighed..he just don't wanna be rude.. and he isn't  used to be rude too..

jk: Look Ara...he is my you don't need to take care of  him okay? And don't you think it is rude to come in between a couple?

He said with a calm voice cuz he doesn't want to be rude..Ara bit her lip.

Ara: I-i thought you two are acting...

jungkook shook his head.

jk: No Ara..we are not.. we are dating for real..

Ara quickly ran away from there and taehyung quickly opened his eyes.

tae: She really went away that easily?

jungkook nodded.

jk: I feel like a bad person now..

jungkook said looking down .

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