Chapter thirty one

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"He noticed?" Jungkook asked looking at his boyfriend.

"But I don't think that he remember me.." Taehyung said with a chuckle.

On the other side, mr.jeon noticed Taehyung and immediately remembered that he is the boy who is dating his younger son. He raised an eyebrow seeing another boy in front of Taehyung. He really wanted to know who that person is.. he might be cheating on his son..who knows.

Taehyung stared at at his lover for few seconds and leaned in kissing his forehead. Jungkook closed his eyes, then Taehyung kissed his nose then lips. Jungkook opened his eyes blushing.

"Taehyungie?" Taehyung kisses his neck biting it slightly. Jungkook gasped in shock and blushed more trying to push away Taehyung.

"Taetae..others are watching us.." but Taehyung didn't listen. He tried to push him away, but Taehyung is more stronger.

Mr.jeon raised his getting suspicious, he went behind Taehyung to know who is with him.. his face turned red in embarrassment seeing it's his younger son who is with the latter.. he observed his son who has his eyes closed and gripping onto his boyfriend's he thought to talk..

"Baby?" Jungkook got out of his world widened his eyes hearing the voice. Taehyung also startled and pulled away from jungkook's neck..

"What are you doing here baby?" Mr.jeon asked coming closer to them.

"A-Appa..I and tae hyungie came here for a date.." Taehyung nodded looking at jungkook's father. Mr.jeon sighed.

"What did I told you jungkook? Didn't i told you to break up with him?"

"I-I can't appa..I love him.." he said tearing up. Mr.jeon walked to Jungkook and grabbed jungkook's hand harshly causing jungkook to stand up. Taehyung also stood up.

"You are coming with me and that's final.."  Jungkook glanced towards his boyfriend. Taehyung quickly grabbed his hand pulling towards him. Jungkook quickly grabbed onto his boyfriend's hand while Taehyung held him tightly.

"Mr.jeon you can't take him like this..we are here for a maybe his father..but I'm his can't separate like us that because you don't want him to be a relationship.." he said glaring at the elder person who let go of his son's wrist. Jungkook quickly hugged his lover resting his head on Taehyung's chest.

"Appa i love him..please I don't wanna break up with him..I-I don't wanna go..please appa.." Jungkook said sobbing taking few people's attention. Taehyung kissed jungkook's forehead trying to calm down his lover.

"Sh sh..don't cry my baby..he won't take you away..I won't let him take you away..alright my beautiful? Now calm down my love.." Taehyung whispered into Jungkook's ear.

Mr.jeon stared at the couple for few seconds. He really thinks that both of them are matching for each other..

"Both of them really love each baby said he doesn't wanna go so he can stay with his boyfriend..I'm really surprised..and the way Taehyung trying to calm down my baby..but I'm still not sure about his boyfriend..I can't hurt my son right now..I don't wanna make him hate me..I won't be able to bear it.."

Mr.jeon sighed and turned his heals walking back to where he was.

"He left baby.." Taehyung said gently combing Jungkook's hair. Jungkook calmed down and slowly pulled away from the hug.

"Let's enjoy now mm?" Taehyung said with a smile. Jungkook also smiled and nodded his head. Then the waiter arrived with their meals. Both of them sat down again and enjoyed their meals.

After taking their meals, Taehyung drove to the beach side..Jungkook squealed in excitement and went out of the car. Taehyung chuckled and followed his boyfriend.

"Be careful love.." jungkook nodded looking at him and then again walk towards the see until the waves touch his feets. He giggled feeling the sea water.

Taehyung stood besides Jungkook and held his waist.

"It's so beautiful in here...I came here after a long time..." Taehyung chuckled and kissed jungkook's cheek. Jungkook smiled and rests his head on Taehyung's shoulder .

"Let's go and sit in there.." Taehyung said pointing at the sun lounger.

"Okay hyungie.." Taehyung laid on the sun lounger and jungkook sat between Taehyung's legs laying his head on Taehyung's chest.

The older wrapped his arms around younger's waist while the younger held Taehyung's arms.

"baby..I wanna say something.." jungkook turned his head towards his boyfriend humming.

"trust me no matter what..can you do that for me love?" jungkook smiled and turned around so he is laying on top of taehyung.

"of course babe..i me too..."

"i always do and always will my princess.." jungkook blushed and hid his face in taehyung's neck. A chuckled left from the older's mouth and stroked blushing male's hair gently..

"I'm boy hyungiee.."

"but for me you are a princess.." taehyung lifts jungkook's chin who looked down shyly..he captured jungkook's soft lips closing his eyes. jungkook also slowly closed his eyes moving his lips against taehyung's ones.

It is such a passionate kiss which was full of love..taehyung bit jungkook's lips making him to opened his mouth and taehyung entered his tongue tasting the sweet cavern. moan left from jungkook's lips when taehyung sucked his tongue gently. Then he kissed down to jungkook's neck, kissing it titling his head. jungkook moved his head backwards making it easy for the older.

taehyung made few hickeys in the milky skin not caring about if someone see. he pulled out when he finished what he was doing. He smiled seeing jungkook's skin decorated with his hickeys.

"beautiful.." Taehyung said and then said on the sun lounger with jungkook on his lap.

"do you wanna go home baby?" jungkook shook his head and snuggled closer to his lover.  taehyung smiled and kissed jungkook's forehead.

"i wanna stay longer with you taehyungie.."

"mm then let's stay..i don't want you to go too.."

After spending more time in the beach enjoying the calming atmosphere with sounds of sea waves hitting the sand with each other, they finally went home..

"oh baby you are finally back.." mrs.jeon said as soon as she see her younger son coming out of the car.

"Taehyung let's go in.." mrs.jeon said bending down to talk to taehyung who is in the car.

"it's late mom..i should get going..i will come tomorrow though.." taehyung said with a smile..mrs.jeon also smiled and ruffled taehyung's hair.

"okayy..i will wait then..oh and..just ignore my annoying husband..he is such a dramatic ass.." mrs.jeon said rolling his eyes mentioning her husband.

"eommaaa..don't say like that.." jungkook said giggling..

"okay okay..then tae baby drive safe.."

"i will mom.." taehyung gave mrs.jeon a warm smile which mrs.jeon returned. Then he looked at his boyfriend for a last time and drove away..

"oh I son is not a virgin anymore.." mrs.jeon said with a teasing tone seeing her son's neck. jungkook shook his head and back hugged his eomma who went inside the house.

"it's not like that eommaaa.."

"what am I gonna do with these two..he seems like a good boy..but I have to keep an eye on him more..oh and on jin's boyfriend too who took my baby's dare he.." mr.jeon rolled his eyes and went to his shared room.


"so so..are you three dating?" jin said looking at jimin. those three juniors are currently sitting on the ground in the corner of football court watching the other four playing.

jimin slightly blushed but didn't answer.

"oh come on..just date already bish..those two obviously likes you too.." he said pointing towards yoonseok. But for their surprise the four was not there.

"BHOOO" three of them startled.

"haha you three looks funny right now.." hoseok said sitting down next jimin.

"you horse face squerrel!" before jin could attack hoseok, namjoon held jin's waist stopping him.

jungkook hugged taehyung's bicep who sat besides him.

"i stink baby.."

"i don't care hyungiee" jungkook said giggling.

"so about what you were talking jin..will you be our boyfriend--"

"he is mine yoongi!" namjoon said cutting off yoongie's sentence. yoongie rolled his eyes and looked at namjoon with an annoyed face.

"stop interrupting Einstine..we don't want your boyfriend he is not beautiful in our eyes anyway.." jin gasped and threw his shoe at yoongie's face who held his nose where the shoe hits.

"yah what was that for!!"

"for saying that i'm not beautiful.." jin said rolling his eyes..

"so what yoongie was saying is..will you be our boyfriend jimin??" hoseok asked holding jimin's hand. jimin's eyes lit up and filled with happiness for few seconds then it turned into a glare.

"what about no?" jimin said crossing his arms over his chest. others looked at him with wide eyes.

"no??" jungkook asked surprised.

"of course..seriously? uh can you guys be romantic? asking in a football court while sitting on the floor also drenched in sweat?"

"aish jimin just say yes.." taehyung said while stroking jungkook's hair.

"no! ask me properly.." jimin huffed pulled out his phone giving it all attention while hoseok and yoongi exchanged looks.

suddenly taehyung fell onto the floor with someone on him. namjoon rolled his eyes and pulled away his sister.

"Aish Ara..what are you doing here.." namjoon asked clearly annoyed.  Taehyung rubbed his back while jungkook also rubbed it softly.

"Ah-um—oh tae oppa!" She was about to jump on him again but namjoon held her..

"Gosh Ara go away.."  ara rolled her eyes.

"It's not like I'm gonna take him away..." Ara said causing other males to frown not understanding what she just said..Ara noticed that everyone are looking at her.

"What? I am saying the truth.." she said and went away..

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