Chapter Thirty

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"No no no leave form here!" Taehyung said when they got closer then


The couple collied with the person and fell down with Taehyung on top of the other two while jungkook is in the middle. Everyone around gasped at the scene and gathered around.

"Ouh.." Jungkook whimpered a little causing Taehyung to come back to the reality.

He glanced at his boyfriend and saw a pair of hands around his tiny waist. He quickly removed the hands cuz only he can touch his baby..He growled and got up, helping jungkook to get up too.

"What the hell coach!" Taehyung glared at their coach who is now lying on the ground like a starfish, half conscious.

"Hyungie.." Jungkook called out to Taehyung..

"Oh my baby...are you hurt??" Jungkook shook his head while Taehyung smiled at him.

"God i told you to move away—"

"OPPAAAAA!!!!!" Taehyung widened his eyes stopping his sentence and grabbed jungkook's hand.

"I will take care of you later cuz i have some unfinished business with you cockroach!" Saying Taehyung ran along with jungkook.

"Taehyungie you know it's no use of running like this.." Jungkook said panting.

"I know baby i know..but..oh yeah let's get inside.." Taehyung dragged jungkook inside a classroom which was empty..he closed the door and locked it.

"Finally.." Taehyung sighed and turned to his baby who is panting.

"You okay love?" Jungkook smiled and nodded his head.

"Do your—"


The couple looked at each other hearing a moan. They are sure it's not them..

"Who is that.." Taehyung said and slowly walked more inside.

Then he stopped when jungkook gasped.

"What happened—oh shit!" Taehyung cursed when he saw namjin couple eating each other's faces like there is no tomorrow. Jin's shirt was lifted up while namjoon was shirtless.How the hell they came here when they were watching taekook couple running around ..

Taehyung immediately covered jungkook's eyes who turned red and he cleared his throat getting the other couple's attention.

Jin widened his eyes hearing someone clearing their throat and quickly pushed his boyfriend away. His eyes widened more seeing the other two.

"Gosh you two.." Taehyung said and sighed. Jin quickly pulled down his shirt while namjoon button up his shirt..

Then Taehyung uncovered his boyfriend's eyes.

"You should've knocked before coming in Taehyung.." namjoon said with a glare cuz they interrupted them of course.

Taehyung scoffed rolling his eyes.

"Seriously? You are blaming me? You should've locked the door if you guys are going to do that.." Jin blushed and got down from the desk . This is the second time the couple caught them specially his brother.

"But still—"

"Oh shut up hyung.." Taehyung glares at namjoon.

"Let's go taetae.." Jungkook said grabbing Taehyung's hand.

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