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"Just how much she hates Jungkook." And Jennie put a full stop after telling all your incidents with Jungkook to her dear friend. He shakes his head sipping his coffee.

"They both are scary Jen." She munches on her food in the cafe with him. That's the usual place they go out for their alone hang out time. "I know, right. They make a great Mafia team together." And Taehyung had to let out a chuckle at that.

"Why do they dislike each other so much?" He asks thinking there must be some specific reasons but She shrugs her shoulders. "I don't know. They can't have a straight decent talk. They have to fight even on the slightest things." He nods his head. "Right, who even fights on who can write a better essay on their country. Like seriously, that's so childish." Jennie laughs remembering how hard you worked to come up with fancy English words for that stupid essay.

"They are two little kids." Taehyung looks out of the window thinking something for a while before speaking back to his friend. "Well, don't they look good as a couple. Like, did you see them behaving like two mannered civilized students who are best friends in front of the teachers." Jennie instantly nods her head to that. They indeed look good together.

"Both are great actors." And the conversation between the two friends go on and on. From both of your topic, to the annual function, to the tasty coffee of the cafe and then to parties somehow.

"How about a small gathering in my house tomorrow. We'll have fun." Taehyung comes with the sudden idea. Jennie raises her brows staring at him intensely. "How small?" He hums staring back at her. "You, me and the Two enemies. I bet we'll have some unexpected fun." She scoffs smacking his arm already aware of his plans.

"You gonna use my friend and your friend for your guilty pleasure. How mean." He rolls his eyes at her statement. Well, she's right. He exactly thought the same. While you two will have a useless funny fight, he'll sit on the couch eating his popcorns, watching the live drama.

"Well, I know, you'd love that too." She stares at him and slowly a devious smirk forms on their lips.

"Let's have fun this weekend then."


"Argh, I'm so bored. What do I do?" You whined scribbling on the hundredth paper ruining your pencil sketch that didn't look like one and throwing it in the bin. Seriously you were trying to make something because this weekend you didn't feel like continuing your usual routine.

You wanted some fun. "Jennie, do something. I'm bored." The older shifted her gaze from her phone finally to you. "Well, Taehyung asked me to hang out with him and bring you along." Your eyes literally lit up listening to that.

Your head snaps towards her. "What did you say then?" She shrugs her shoulder deciding to play with you a little. "I told him you'd be busy and even if you go to his house you'll simply get bored."


You gasp throwing your pillow at her. "Why? Why did you say that?" She pouts looking at you innocently. "I thought you'd have something to do." Face palming yourself you sat on the edge of the couch.

"I'd cancel everything for him." You mutter under your breath. And then the chain of curses that was leaving your mouth suddenly stops listening to your friend.

"If you want we can still go." You take her arm and drag her to your room. Opening your closet you look at her blinking your eyes cutely. That's disgusting for her while she looks at you all confused.

"Choose the best outfit for me." She finally understands. Laughing internally she walks closer to your wardrobe. "Here." You don't even look at the dress she chose and ran to the bathroom to change. She's a fashionista so there's no doubting in her choice.

She finally laughed silently seeing you so excited. Sitting on the bed she texted her partner in crime.

Jen : She's so excited for the meet up.

Tae : So is Jungkook. Because he's always ready to go out.

Jen : Great. I can't wait to see their expression when they'll see each other.

Tae : LMAO, I'm already laughing so hard imagining it.

Jen : We are so evil but no regrets.

Tae : Seeing the positive side, we are just trying to befriend them with each other.

Jen : Whatever helps you sleep at night.

Tae : If you care about my sleep, you'll have to be in my bed then.

Jen : It's only me who knows how you're horny 24/7 with no girlfriend.

Tae : Do I need one when I have you?

Jen : For the sake of holy God, stop flirting with your best friend.

Tae : We never know when the title changes to Lovers.

Jen : What a filthy flirt you are.

Tae : Just for you;)

Jen : Whenever you find a girlfriend I'm gonna show her our chats.

Tae : I don't mind you reading our chats again and again.

Jen : Keep dreaming. Well, you better don't let my bestie fall in your charms. Because if her heart ever breaks because of you, you'll find all your 206 bones broken.

Tae : Excuse me? I'm handsome and have charms. If girls fall for me, it's not my problem.

Jen : I hope you're not including y/n in them.

Tae : No, I ain't. I'll love to have her as my friend. She's a nice hooman.

Jen : Good!

"How do I look?" You turn around showing her your dress. She keeps her phone aside and checks you out from head to toe.

"Perfect. Let's go" And your ride is filled up with so many conversations with her. You're really excited for today.

"We're here." You look at the huge mansion and your eyes literally pop out of your socket. Not like you haven't seen them before but this one is literally amazing.

"Wow" She looks at you and a smile forms on her lips. Not like she's seeing you happy after really long but today she's just happy to see you being excited like a little kid who received her favorite toy in her birthday.

Somewhere she feels a little bad because the reality inside the house is something you wouldn't like too much.

She's talking about Jungkook who's inside. Well, she's just trying to get you both on good terms because until when will you two keep fighting and fighting for literally nothing. Isn't it better to get along well instead of ruining the mood everytime?

"I bet the person who's gonna open the door would be more wow." She nudges your elbows referring to Taehyung. "Of course." She pressed the doorbell and both of you did expect Taehyung to open the door.

But as soon as you saw the face in front of you, your entire excitement drained.



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