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Taking a deep breath you look at your reflection in the mirror. All ready for school. Looking pretty and smart like always.

"Okay, it's a new day. Let's make it better. Ignoring Jungkook and his entire existence. Yup." Slapping your cheeks slightly you smiled to yourself and walked out locking the door of your house.

Taking the bus because you don't feel like driving your car today. You scroll through your phone waiting to get to school.


He looks at his own reflection in the mirror and gives himself a bright smile. Ready for school. Looking perfectly fine and handsome as always.

"Okay, let me ignore her entire existence and live my life to the fullest. My competitor can only be me. Yes!" He chirps happily spraying the perfume on his body.

Locking the door of his apartment he takes a lift to the ground floor. He looks at his shiny car and sits inside it driving off to school.


"Y/n and Jungkook." Both of your eyes widen listening to your names. "I'm giving you two the responsibility to choreograph the couple dance of your group. And you both will be the couples too. So, I'm looking forward to your creativity. And I'm always there for guidance. All the best."

Your dance teacher gave you both a big smile showing his thumb before leaving the room.

"Dance gonna be a blast. Y/n, Jungkook. Guys, please take this seriously. It's about our school's reputation. Don't fight, okay?" The secretary of the dance club says with hope in her eyes while you both are giving each other burning glares.

How you started your day thinking you'll ignore him at any cost and now out of nowhere he's your dance partner.

Great. Just great.

You turn your head to look at her. Giving her a sweet smile you nod your head. "Don't worry. We'll do our best." She sighs in relief and leaves the room. Soon enough all the group members get out of the room leaving you two alone.

Rolling your eyes you cross your arms. "Huh, you? My dance partner? Don't know what that dance teacher thinks. I bet he never even saw you dancing." He looks at you in disbelief shaking his head.

"No, it's only your unlucky ass who was never blessed with my sexy moves." Whyyyyyyyyyy? Why is he SOOOOODAMMMNNNEXTRAAAA?

Sexy moves? His sexy moves?

Scoffing at his compliment to himself you give him a smirk.

"We'll see that while choreographing. Oh God. I can say I'll have to do it all alone." He rolls his eyes at how much you're underestimating him.

"Anyways, even in the couple dancing there's only one winner." He states walking around the room. You shrugged your shoulders. "I know. That's me." He chuckles on your overconfidence.

"We'll see." And with that he walks towards you only to walk past you while bumping his shoulder into yours. You wince rubbing your arm. He really goes to gym.

"Hey, you jerk!" You shout in frustration only to hear an annoying laugh of his.

"That's it. Once this annual program ends. I'm killing him." Stomping your feet you walk back to your class. Why is life not supporting you? Jin is absent from school today. Why? Can't he come? If he has to sleep he can beside you but no. Mister Had to be absent and sleep on his bed whole day.

Throwing a fist on the wall you curse under your breath seeing that dork sitting on the chair beside yours. "He really should be awarded by a degree for being the most annoying being." Mumbling to yourself you go and sit on your chair.

Because no where in hell you gonna change your seat because of him. You love your seat for two reasons.

If you want, you can look at the teacher and pay attention from here.

And if you don't want, you can put your head down and do any shits without getting noticed.

"His friends must've kicked him out." You purposely say it loud enough for him to hear. "God should've given her eyes or maybe a little power to remember." He too says it louder than usual.

You look around and notice how his friends are all absent, maybe bunking classes. And then you're suddenly reminded of that stupidest reason he gave you before for sitting beside you.

Like, looking handsome from teacher's angle? Sigh.

You pull out a marker from your box and scribble something on a white sheet before sticking it between his and your desk like a sign board or something.

He squints his eyes and read what's written.


He scoff in disbelief before tearing that page as you let out a gasp. He wasted the ink of your marker.

"Hey!" You give him an eye glare. "As I said, I hate colourless things." Shrugging his shoulders he look away. You look at him making faces to yourself thinking how can someone be just so so so annoying.

As you were cursing him the teacher entered the class and you finally ignored him.

"Good news for you students." The teacher chirps brightly expecting a massive reaction from her students but they were sitting like dummies.

"It is really a good news." She stresses on the word good trying to get some reactions. "We are interested. What is it?" She finally smiles as one of the girl who was sitting at the front says that.

"Okay, so. As you all know, you were about to give 4 assignments for your semesters-" Before she completes the class is already filled with noises.

"They are cancelled?" A bunch of student asks as now even you are interested in what's the good news like who wouldn't be happy if they are cancelled. No one of this earth loves to give assignments or exams. We are forced.

"Kind of. Because of the upcoming program we decided to turn the four assignments into one and I'm sure you guys will love it." One is okay right?

Atleast better than four.

"So, you all will work in a group of two and choose a topic based on reality. You'll make an assignment on it and then present it in the class itself. You'll be marked on your creativity skill, speaking skills, researching and organizing skills and so on. You'll be given two weeks for the preparation and during the third week you'll be giving the presentation in the class with your partners."

That can be fun. The class again becomes all noisy because yes the students love the idea.

"Okay, okay. Silence." Just as she says there's silence in the class and swear your class have never been this silent especially when the teacher says so.

As you were happy because of this new amazing idea, you already had no problem in working with anyone because you know whatever happens, your effort will be more.

But maybe you're just not God's lovable child.

"Your partners will be your seatmate. With the ones you are sitting right now."

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