𝐟𝐢𝐟𝐭𝐞𝐞𝐧. malivore

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Maze couldn't hide the surprise on her face when she woke up in Hope Mikealson's arms

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Maze couldn't hide the surprise on her face when she woke up in Hope Mikealson's arms. Of course, she didn't exactly want to move or wake the girl, so she decided to fall back to sleep, still in the arms of the tribrid.

The pair had fallen asleep on Maze's bed, as Hope was comforting the siphonr after Jo had disappeared for good.

When Mazikeen next woke up, Hope was on the other side of the room, in her uniform as she brushed her hair. "Morning, sunshine." Hope hummed, as Maze smiled. "Morning Hope."

"How are you feeling?" The auburn haired girl asked, as Maze sat up, and stretched out her arms. "I feel a bit numb." She confessed, feeling so... empty after all of the crying.

"Josie and Lizzie both came to check up on you." Hope added, placing her hairbrush down. "Oh, really?" Mazikeen asked, getting out of her bed now.

Hope nodded, "Yeah, they were worried about you after everything that happened yesterday." She trailed off. "They really care about you."

Of course they did, they were her sisters... but Mazikeen needed reminding sometimes that there were people in the world who cared for her, and who loved her.

The blonde threw her hair up into a ponytail, before she took her uniform, and walked into the bathroom to change.


Jade sat atop a table, as she swung her legs. The Hale peered down at her phone, looking at the message she had sent Maze, with the arranged time for them to meet.

"Hey stranger."

Jade looked up, her eyes meeting the blonde. "You took your time." Jade said sarcastically, as Maze shrugged. "I had a session with your Mum." She said, half making a "ur mum" joke despite also answering honestly. Anyway, Jade understood.

"How are the sessions going?" Jade asked, not expecting the Saltzman to tell her everything about them, but to find out if they were helping. "Good, actually I'm starting to feel like my head is a bit less crowded." She admitted, as talking to Molly had really taken a load off of her shoulders.

"Anyway, what's up?" Maze asked, as she sat in the empty spot beside Jade, before nudging her affectionately.

"Um... Ari told me that she has feelings for me." Jade confessed, as Mazikeen blinked in surprise. "Woah— I did not see that coming." She blurted honestly as Jade laughed awkwardly. "Yeah.. me neither."

"Basically... I'm not sure what to do. I've been confused, because I don't know if maybe I do see Ari that way, or maybe I'm catching feelings for you again." Jade confessed, feeling horrible because either way, someone would get hurt.

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