Chapter 7: Things get hot in here

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(Hey there, it's me, Flint. We've set up a three chapters each rotation system, so expect to see a lot of me in the meantime.)
Arus and I scout the hallways, with him gliding through the air using his wind powers and me standing on a floating rock and propelling that through the water. We passed Terran and Tori a while ago, and neither of us had found anything. I think about giving up and heading back to the bathroom when my phone buzzes. I take it out of my pocket and read the message.
We've found the girl. She knows two others who might be zodiac. We're looking for a small girl with brown hair named Nia and a Hispanic boy with dark brown hair and brown eyes named Sergio. Keep an eye out.
"Arus! Change of plans! We're looking for a small brunette named Nia and a Hispanic guy named Sergio!" I tell Arus. He turns around, nods and keeps scanning the hallways.
The school isn't that big, but it's big enough to get lost in if you have a terrible sense of direction. I've got the layout memorised, so searching isn't too hard for me. Arus, on the other hand, is kind of directionally challenged and makes a few wrong turns.
"Geez man, how the hell have you got around this place without getting lost?" I ask Arus.
"I just followed the crowds! There ain't no crowds here!" he yells back.
"Good point," I mutter.

About half an hour passes before Arus yells out that he's found something.
"There! Up on that table!"
I turn in the direction he's pointing and spot a small girl with short brown hair and a taller guy with dark brown hair, tan skin and golden-brown eyes perched on top of a table.
"Follow my lead and act natural," I tell Arus. He nods and floats down into the water. I hop off my rock and swim over to the table. The two kids look up.
"Who are you?" the boy asks.
"My name's Flint and this is Arus. Are you two Nia and Sergio?"
"Yeah. What do you want?" the girl, Nia, replies, clearly annoyed.
"Come with us. We're with your friend and a bunch of others. You guys good to swim to the bathroom in the year 9 corridor?" I ask. They nod and jump off the table, landing in the water with a splash. I start swimming, with Nia and Sergio behind me and Arus bringing up the rear.
We run into Terran and Tori on the way back. We exchange looks, shrug and keep swimming towards the bathroom. Nia and Sergio stare wide-eyed at Terran perched on a large chunk of rock and Tori hovering in the air. Seeing their looks, Terran and Tori join us in the water.
At last, we arrive back at the bathroom. Zephyr is yakking on about God knows what, while Serena and a girl with long black hair and brown eyes cast us looks that say 'Please save me from this idiot'.
"So you got my text?" Serena asks.
Nia and Sergio rush over to the other girl, wrapping her in a hug.
"Thank god you're alive!" Sergio says.
"Okay, okay, get off you're crushing my bones," April retorts pushing Sergio and Nia off.

We explain everything to the new guys. It turns out all three of them have already developed Pyrokinesis, but none of them have had any dreams like Zephyr had.
"So let me get this straight. I'm a representation of Leo, Sergio is Sagittarius and April is Aries?" Nia asks.
"Yup," Zephyr replies.
"That's kinda cool. Do we get other powers?"
"I dunno."
"So is this all of us?" Sergio asks.
"No. We still need to find Cancer, Scorpio and Pisces," Tori replies. "Do you guys have any idea who they might be?"
"Is there anything in particular we're looking for?"
"Well, has anyone you know done anything out of the ordinary to do with water, like rupture the pipes or flood the bathrooms?"
"That's it!" Serena exclaims. "There was a guy in my class who ruptured the pipes. He must be one of them!"
"What did he look like?" Zephyr asks.
"Well, he was short, and he had white hair and reddish eyes. I think he's like an albino or something."
"I know him." Nia pipes up. "That's Charlie Mikuri. I think I dated him a while back. He's friends with this moody girl and another girl who's always got her head in the clouds."
"Do you still have his number?" Arus asks.
"Yup." She pulls out her phone and dials a number. An awkward silence fills the room.
"Hey Charlie, it's Nia. How you doing? Listen, we need you and your hot mess friends at the first floor bathroom ASAP. No, we're not getting back together. Just come to the bathroom, okay? Cool. See you." Nia hangs up and puts her phone away.
"He'll be here in a few minutes."
"Sweet. We've almost got the whole team together!" Zephyr cheers. We all sit down in various places and wait.

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