Chapter 26: I drown a fish.

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We all quickly dive to one side as the fish rears up and plunges downwards, taking a chunk out of the pavement. Flint swears loudly and stamps his feet, sending a spike of rock shooting out the ground, but the fish swerves aside and lunges again, sending Flint scurrying backwards. We make a mad dash for the bus stop and huddle behind the benches, watching the fish sway from side to side, searching for us.
"How do we defeat this thing?" I ask, keeping a close on the monster behind us.
"It's large and surprisingly agile, so landing a hit on it will be difficult, but it can't leave the water. We can use that to our advantage and attack it from the land or the air," Serena suggests. "Tori, Arus and I could come at it from above, while Serena, Meg and Terran attack it from below."
"Sounds like a plan," Flint says, nodding with approval, and the rest follow suit. Serena and Tori quickly shift into their hybrid forms and take off, and I quickly float into the air after her, wobbling a little. The three of us hover in the air above the fish, which rears up and lunges, taking a bite out of the air beneath my feet. I let out a little squeak and send a blast of air in its direction, knocking it back a little, but it lunges forward, grabbing me by the ankle with its teeth and dragging me down towards the water. Tori screams and dashes downwards, raking her claws down the fish's hide, but it barely flinches, sinking its teeth into my ankle. I fight back a yell and swing myself forward, attempting to hit it in the eyeball, but at the same moment Flint rams a rock spike into the fish's side, causing it to let go of my ankle as it screeches in pain. I plummet towards the water, frantically trying to float again, but I'm falling too fast, and the water hits me like a ton of bricks, knocking the wind out of me. I tumble downwards, water filling my lungs, and my vision begins to blur.
This is it, I think. I'm going to drown because a fish threw me into the water. What a way to go. Lights begin to flash before my eyes, and I watch my friends from above, small, blurry figures being tossed about by the creature.
I've gotta help them, but how? My aerokinesis won't do much to it, and I'm about to pass out. If only I had gills...
My legs begin to tingle, and I close my eyes as it spreads through my body. Something pushes its way out of my legs and arms, and I feel what seems to be gills begin to form on the side of my neck. I breath in, water spilling into my mouth, but the burning feeling in my chest begins to fade. My teeth begin to elongate, and spines push their way out of my back. I open my eyes and glance downwards, examining the fins on my legs.
This is awesome, I think, grinning madly. I've always wanted to be a sea monster. 
I kick upwards and swim back towards the battle, relishing the thrill of shooting through the water. Silt swirls past me, and the figure of the fish comes into view again, numerous rock spikes impaled in its body. Serena divebombs it from above, launching a large chunk of sidewalk at its head, and it screeches and lunges upwards, snapping the air beneath her feet. Meg stands on the top of its head, repeatedly jamming her stinger into the beast over and over, but it barely flinches, diving forward and repeatedly taking chunks out of the pavement where the others stand. An idea forms in my mind, and I swim forward until I'm right behind the fish. I hold out my hands and concentrate, and the water around the fish begins to swirl. I push my hands outwards, and the water follows my movements, parting like the Red Sea.
"I feel like Moses," I mutter, and keep pushing the water away, slowly stranding the fish on the riverbed. It screeches and twists in pain, mouth flopping open and shut. Terran lifts up another rock spike and propels it towards the fish, impaling it through the chest. Blood leaks out of the wound, and the fish goes limp. 
"That was a pain in the ass," Meg sighs, shifting out of her hybrid form and climbing back up to the bus stop. I return the water to its original position and shift out, swimming to the edge of the river and climbing upwards. The bus pulls up just as I make it back to the stop, and we board it, collapsing in our seats and letting it carry us towards our friends.

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