Centaur Warnings

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The next day had started like any other, Y/N got up alone, worked out alone, ate breakfast alone. He would have been grateful for Newt's company, but the tiny creature wasn't happy with Y/N. He had not been happy with Y/N since he started dating Katie. The Bowtruckle had taken an instant dislike to the girl, hiding when Y/N was with her and blowing raspberries at her when he did see her. At meal times he would clamber over to Hermione, sitting on her shoulder, hugging into her bushy hair.

Following his breakfast, which he had finished before anyone else had arrived, Y/N walked to the library.

He perused the aisles, picking out books he hadn't had a chance to read and took a seat, opening up Habitation Study of Mountain Trolls as he began to read.

After an hour or so of sitting alone reading happily Y/N felt someone sit next to him and hug into him. He smiled and hugged back.

"Morning 'Mione, how are you?" Y/N asked happily.

"Morning Y/N. You've created quite a panic" Hermione giggled.

"What do you mean?"

"No one could find you. Katie is uh... freaking out. But I knew where you would be"

Y/N smiled at Hermione, chuckling:

"You know me better then anyone 'Mione"


The two had sat next to each other reading happily for about half an hour when Katie stormed into the library with Alicia right behind her.

"Where have you been?" Katie asked in a whisper-yell.

Y/N looked at his girlfriend puzzled.

"Right here. Reading. What's wrong with you?"

Katie was furious.

"I've been looking everywhere for you! I've been worried sick. And I find you here. With her!"

She glared at Hermione before noticing a look on her boyfriend's face she hadn't seen before. It was ice cold. He spoke equally as coldly:

"I'm going to warn you one time Katie. Do not speak to Hermione that way. You may be my girlfriend, but Hermione is my best friend. Nobody disrespects her. Nobody!"

Katie was stunned. She had thought she would be able to manipulate a wedge between her boyfriend and the Muggleborn just on account of being his girlfriend. She was wrong. She quickly changed her approach.

"I'm sorry baby. I'm sorry Hermione. I was just so worried, I thought you-know-who had come back for you"

Hermione smiled. She saw straight through Katie. Katie was so devious, but she remembered her chats with Lav. Hermione played nice.

Katie sat on the other side of Y/N and immediately latched onto him, Alicia sat across from the three of them. She looked at the books in front of Y/N and Hermione with a look of aversion before looking directly at Hermione.

"Classes have finished. What kind of nerd comes to the library to read when we've finished for the year?"

Hermione froze up, flashbacks of her Muggle primary school, of the teasing and the isolation. Y/N instantly fired back, snarling:

"That attitude is why you are never going to be anything more than a sheep, like 99% of the rest of the student body here. Hermione and I will be remembered for centuries. No one will remember your name. You will achieve nothing of note in your life. The cool kids in school, the ones that think they're better than everyone else, they are always life's losers. Good luck with that!"

For You I Will #1- The Philosopher's StoneWhere stories live. Discover now