Chapter 24

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Lisa just finished another performance so she flopped down, exhausted. Checking her phone, there's still no signs of Jungkook.

Days have passed after her encounter and question and answer with her members, and from that day, she doesn't have any news with Jungkook.

Maybe he's busy?



But tomorrow is their 100th day being together!

Should she visit him?

Maybe she should.

Lisa wrapped up her stuff. She should buy him a gift for tomorrow. She'll visit him, and celebrate their day together.

Good thing it's her rest day.

She went home first to take a shower and refresh. It only took her an hour to do her routine before finally finishing and fleeing out of her house.

She will just pick up her cats and dog from Bambam.

With her disguise outfit, she flagged down a taxi to head to one of the exclusive shops or Bvlgari in Seoul.

She decided to gift him a ring. Couple rings? She also considered giving him a  watch.

The ride is not that long until she reaches her destination. The staff greeted her with enthusiasm, and she thinks that they recognized her.

"What were you looking for, Madame?"

"Uhh, can I have a look at your couple rings?"


"For you boyfriend, Madame?"

Lisa blushed at the saleslady's words, but she quickly recovered.

"I guess so?"

The sales lady started her work as she introduced a couple of pairs of rings to her, the most beautiful rings but also the most expensive ones are now in front of her eyes.

She chose the one made with white gold and diamond.

She even have a hard time guessing Jungkook's finger's size that she almost asks for all of the sizes to compare on his finger in her mind.

After finally deciding, the saleslady wrapped her gift. He also brought him a watch that she thinks he would like, though it's a bit pricey, but it's for Jungkook.

Jungkook was also spoiling her with expensive gifts, so he deserve something from her too.

The day after, Lisa excitedly woke up, did her morning routine, and ate her breakfast. She also fed her fur babies before checking the gifts in her bag.

She also ordered a cake at one of her favorite pastry shops. She would just pick it up on her way to his place.

The trip didn't take that long as she was now ringing Jungkook's doorbell. She doesn't know his passcode so, yeah.

She waited for a minute before the door finally opened. Jungkook looks at her in confusion, she can't read his expression. He was just looking at her, plainly.

Her smile falters after looking at his expression and after hearing his unpleasant words.

"Why are you here?"

His voice is also harsh, making Lisa shudder.

"I'm h-here to visit you. I-it's our 100th day being together. We'll celebrate--"

"Come in."

Lisa sighed before coming into his apartment. The place is elegant and clean.

"Did you already eat breakfast? I brought you a chocolate cake--"

"I'm on a diet. Just put it there."

Lisa felt so lost after she heard how he talked to her. Her heart getting heavy. She felt like her chest is slowly being eaten up.


Lisa tried to smile happily despite the agony as she took out the two boxes from her bag.

Trying to brighten up the atmosphere, she spoke in enthusiasm.

"I also brought you a gift. Look."

She handed him the two boxes. One for the watch and one for the ring. She's already wearing hers right now.

Jungkook opened them up, still expressionless. The situation made her uncomfortable. She's trying to hold up her tears as she watches Jungkook stare in boredom at the gifts in his hands.

"This looks a bit pricey for a farewell gift. I didn't buy you a gift though. I think I have already given you enough. Right?"


"It's fine. Don't mind it."


Jungkook placed the two boxes at the center table, finally looking at her. Her heart trembled as she meet his cold eyes.

"Did you enjoy yourself?"

Lisa creased her brows as she tried to understand what's behind his words.


"How was it being my girlfriend? Did you have fun?"

Jungkook snorted as he look at her with a smirk on his face.


"Answer me! Fucking hell!"

She closed her eyes tightly as Jungkook shouted in her. Her tears were now brimming in her eyes.

"Of course, I'm happy to be with you! What's happening?"

"Yeah, sure. Of course, you're happy, right? You love my attention on you, you love how I treat you, and what? I'm the best boyfriend around."


"I'm handsome, I'm rich, I'm popular, I'm talented. I'm the perfect boyfriend you could have. What could you wish for?"

Lisa's body became stiff after hearing his words. Did he...

"What? Are you mute now?"

"Jungkook... I-I love you!"

That's the only words that came out of her mouth.

"Yes! Of course, you love me! I have money, I have the career, I treat you so good! Who wouldn't love such a man, right?"

Lisa whimpered as she tried to reach out and touch Jungkook, but the guy yanked her hands away from him.

"You know what? You're just like any other girl that I slept with. They love my face, my body, my status, and all. You all are nothing different from golddiggers. Now, stay away from me, and leave!"

Lisa throbbed at his hateful words. So, he heard it? Did he hear it all?

"And, oh. Tell your company to not release a statement or photos about you and me. I don't want to link my name with yours. I can pay them a huge price if they want. Also, give my car keys that I left at your house to Bambam."

She continued to cry her eyes out as she tried to go near Jungkook who is scowling at her.

"Also, bring the gifts that you brought. I don't want to owe something from you. And throw my stuff at your house if you could. Now, leave this house, and leave me alone. I'm done with you. Just find someone better than me, who's more perfect than me. Who's you can fool with your words and actions."

Jungkook looks at her coldly, before fleeing out to the living room. She also heard the loud bang of the wooden door of his room.

Lisa crouched down as she felt her knees lose their strength to stand. Her tears continued to flow furiously from her eyes.

He heard it all.

He didn't even let her explain her side. She loves him. She really did. She's still confused but she knows in her heart that she loves him. She's not expressive with her feelings and emotions but she loves him.

Lisa wiped her tears, took her stuff, she walked out of his place.

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